Jakob Wandel

4 Completely Valid Reasons To Leave A Relationship

It can be hard to know when to call it quits in a relationship, especially if you have been together for a long time. It can feel like a waste to walk away from someone you spent years building something beautiful with, someone who you thought was your end game.

If you are wondering whether it is time leave your relationship, here are four completely valid reasons to do so.

1. You’re not getting your needs met (even after expressing them).

If your partner is continuously falling short, even after you told them the specifics in how you want them to improve, this is a major red flag.

Having needs does not make you needy. Every single person will have things they need their person to do for them in order to feel safe, happy, and secure in the relationship. And if your needs aren’t being met, and there is no sign they ever will be, this could be a sign that it is time to leave.

2. You feel disrespected.

Respect is the absolute bare minimum in a relationship because it is the foundation of trust. And without trust, there is no chance for a healthy partnership. If your partner constantly disrespects you, this is absolutely a valid reason to walk away. You deserve someone who appreciates you. You deserve someone who celebrates you. You deserve someone who makes you feel safe.

3. You are no longer happy (and are not willing to do the work to try and become happy again).

If you have given up on trying to fix what is wrong because you known what is broken can be repaired, this is a telling sign your relationship has run its course. Otherwise, you would put in the effort to put the pieces back together.

4. You are the only one putting in effort.

It is always up to you to bend. It is always up to you to put in the work. It is always up to you to compromise. Not only is this is exhausting, it is not sustainable. You will burn out and so will the relationship. Find someone who meets you where you’re at instead.


It is important to remember that not all relationships are built to last forever, and sometimes the most romantic and loving thing you can do is let someone go when it is time to do so.