dilara irem

4 Zodiac Signs That Live In The Here + Now

Have you ever wondered how someone could live their life without a care in the world? The journey of life is mysterious and tough. We all go through our own share of challenges and difficulties, but some signs love to face their lives head-on, moment by moment. Here are some zodiacs who prefer to live their lives in the moment.


With energy and drive, this sign is constantly looking for life’s greatest pleasures. An Aries is bold and autonomous. They have no issue with facing issues at the surface level. With that being said, Aries usually avoids focusing on negativity and tries to avoid tense situations any time possible, because a majority of their choices are made dependent on how they feel about them at the present time. How can they look to the future or past when there is so much exciting energy every single day? They never know what they’ll do tomorrow, and they plan to keep it that way.


The Libra is one of the most charming signs of the zodiac, with individuals who are able to be simple and gracious with every step they make. Libras tend to enjoy having a balanced lifestyle above all, so they can be seen sacrificing their comfort for growth when they are trying to succeed. A Libra lives by the philosophy of doing things for themselves and never for anyone else’s happiness. If something doesn’t suit their lifestyle, they’ll push that aside and continue their lives onwards. A Libra involved in a conflict will try to restore a state of balance, so dwelling on their mistakes is out of the question for them, and they will use that as a lesson moving forward.


A Leo lives fully in the moment, which is something they try and bring to every table with their charisma and energy towards each new day. Leos tend to stay away from dwelling on their past mistakes, seemingly only taking a moment to reflect, launching them onto the next big adventure. Leos thrive best in life roles that let them call the shots because their success will be able to inspire their relationships in life, leading to a healthy lifestyle. Instead of questioning their choices or shying away from new opportunities, Leos embrace their insecurities and greet the world with a smile.


A Sagittarius is a natural adventurer. When it comes to committing, they have issues, whether it be in their passions, relationships, or day-to-day routines. Schedules and rules bore these fire signs and make them feel stuck a lot of the time. A Sagittarius is always looking up, which is why moving forward seems so natural to them. Being spontaneous is part of their day-to-day because the Sagittarius is optimistic, open-minded, and curious. With this fine way of thinking, they can also be reckless and impulsive, which means sometimes this sign will act before they can think, ultimately slowing down their goals.