Maksim Goncharenok

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Human Lie Detectors

Have you ever felt like someone could see right through you? Some zodiac signs are excellent at reading people. They know exactly what you’re thinking and can tell when you’re being dishonest. Here are the four zodiac signs that are human lie detectors, and how astrology explains their incredible mind-reading abilities. 


Each zodiac sign rules a particular set of body parts. These body parts could be the sign’s strongest attributes, their most attractive features, or where they are prone to illness and injury. Aries rules the head, including the brain, making this star sign highly intelligent. As the zodiac sign that rules the head, Aries people are sharp as knives and can always tell what’s going on inside your head. 

They also move quickly and are fast at everything they do. Their powerful minds move exceptionally fast – they see patterns and make connections quickly. Aries people remember every random fact and memory they have of you. They notice when something you say doesn’t align with what you told them before, even if it was years ago. They are sharp and perceptive, even though they come off as childlike and naive. 

This zodiac sign doesn’t like to let things fester, so Aries will call you out the second they catch you in a lie. They are quick to forgive, but they won’t forget your dishonesty – and they will be even more on guard with you in the future, continuing to check for more lies. 


Just as every zodiac sign rules a set of body parts, each sign also has a guiding celestial body. Cancer is ruled by the moon, and in astrology, the moon represents emotions and the unconscious. Cancer is also a water sign, and water signs are known for being sensitive, emotional, and intuitive. As the water sign guided by the moon, Cancers have almost superhuman instincts. Their gut feelings are never wrong, and they practically have a sixth sense that can tell when you’re lying to them.

Cancers are empathetic almost to a fault. They experience their own emotions profoundly, and they can also sense the emotions of others. They might be able to understand your feelings even better than you do. Cancers can predict your emotional reactions and they always know how you feel. They notice when your words don’t reflect your true emotions.

Cancers may not tell you when they know you’re being dishonest. They store the information away and watch how long you keep up your charade. This zodiac sign also doesn’t forgive easily – you have a long road ahead of you if you’ve lost the trust of a Cancer and want to win it back. 


Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury, which in astrology represents communication and intellect. Thanks to Mercury’s influence, Virgos are incredibly sharp and analytical. They notice everything – you can never get anything past a Virgo because this zodiac sign sees every single detail. They recognize patterns in behavior and can sniff out a lie in seconds. 

If you’ve been dishonest with them before and they figured it out, they know what face you make when you lie. Virgos recall old conversations and can bring up facts you had long forgotten that prove your dishonesty. And, as highly skilled communicators, they can tell when your communication is off or something doesn’t ring true.

Virgo is one of the most brutally honest signs of the zodiac, so when they catch you in a lie, they will tell you right away and humiliate you for it. This zodiac sign likes to act tough, so they may hide how hurt they are by your dishonesty. But they will tell you how they know you’re lying and that they are upset about it. Virgos will forgive you if you apologize, but don’t expect to get away with it again.


Like Cancer, Scorpio is a water sign, so they are similarly sensitive and intuitive. Scorpios pick up on subtleties that others miss, thanks to their sensibility. And they are so intuitive that their instincts tell them when someone is being dishonest. 

Scorpios embody the expression “still waters run deep.” Although they may be quiet, they are always observing, taking in their surroundings, and making careful judgments. You may not be able to tell what they are thinking, but they have a good idea of what’s on your mind.

Scorpios will not tell you when they’ve caught you in a lie. They will save the information for later and bring it up at the most opportune time to serve themselves. Scorpios are highly vindictive and can hold a grudge for ages. When you lie to a Scorpio, they will make sure you regret it. It will come back to haunt you at the most unexpected moment. It’s much better to save yourself the trouble and be completely honest with the Scorpios in your life.