Andrea Piacquadio

4 Zodiac Signs Who Just Need To Be Loved, But Will Never Ask For It


Aries will push away the person they need help from most, no matter how aware they are of shooting themselves in the foot. Self-sabotage is second nature to them because at the end of the day, they don’t believe their worthy of the type of love they so desperately want. They think it’s better to suffer alone in silence than to take the massive risk of getting the very thing they want only to have to worry about losing it. Because in their minds, the hug, the kiss, the kind words they’ve been waiting for can only be followed by the other party coming to same realization they have, that Aries isn’t good enough to stick around for. That no one could ever want to stay by their side.  


Virgo has been through some shit. They know better than to ask for love because they’ve learned the hard way, from a young age, just how easy it is to be betrayed by the people they thought are supposed to be there for them. Virgo will always go above and beyond for the people in their lives, but when it comes to accepting love, attention, or affection, they go full porcupine as soon as anyone attempts to get close. They think the only way they can truly stay safe is to keep everyone at a distance. If they don’t expose their soft underbelly, no one will have a chance to go in for the kill. You can’t get let down if your expectations live in the basement level of the romantic ‘building’.


Scorpio has some crazy unrealistic expectations. They expect a mind reader at every corner. Someone who will play their games without tiring, no matter how demanding the rules are or how frequently they change. Scorpio wants someone to jump when they say jump, but to also follow a series of dance steps that have never been explicitly explained. They want someone to know what to text and when. To pull when they push. To chase when they run away. In their minds it’s all ruined if it has be explained, but the only way to know these desires even exist is to get inside their head. They’ll have a really hard time finding someone who fits the bill, or anyone at all unless their expectations can mature with time.


Pisces has been disappointed by other people in ways that can’t even be fully explained. They’ve never had the kinds of relationships they find in their favorite books, TV shows, or movies. And the first conclusion they jump to is that it must be their fault. The kind of friendships, families, and romances they compare their own relationships never seem as precarious or petty. When Pisces can’t reach fictional levels of perfection in their own life, they tend to undervalue what realistic connections look like. The ones where people get on each other’s nerves, or say the wrong thing, or need to work towards resolution. Real life can’t just jump forward to the next plot twist, and so Pisces has to find a way to embrace the mundane.