Kelly Peacock

4 Zodiac Signs Who Pretend They’ve Moved On From Exes (When They Haven’t)

It’s not easy moving on from a relationship. Some people are going to overcome their heartache faster than others, but this won’t happen for anyone overnight. It takes more time than it seems. Here are the zodiacs who look like they’ve moved on from exes when they haven’t:


Aries might claim that they’re brutally honest — but that’s only when they’re talking about certain subjects. Not when they’re talking about their deepest, darkest feelings. After a breakup, an Aries is going to look like they couldn’t care less about their ex. They’re going to look like they’ve moved on automatically, without taking any time to heal. But that’s not true at all. This sign simply won’t show their pain in public. They won’t let their world know how much they’re suffering because they would rather cry behind closed doors. They would rather pretend they’re perfectly fine in public, when others are watching and judging, but they’re not heartless at all. They are way more sensitive than they appear.


Leos make moving on look easy, when really, they’re one of the most nostalgic signs. They’re always thinking about their exes, missing their exes, and trying to talk themselves out of texting their exes. However, it looks like they move on quickly because they aren’t going to show their pain in public. Their confidence isn’t going to waver. They’re still going to act like they’re having a wonderful time, even when they’re dying inside. This sign knows how to put on a good performance. They aren’t going to let anyone see them sweat. Although their friends will know the truth because they won’t stop talking about their ex, it will look like they’re completely unaffected by the breakup to strangers. Like they’re already moving on.


Scorpios know when to walk away. They aren’t going to second guess themselves after leaving a relationship because they know when they aren’t wanted. Since they get so angry with exes, it might appear like they’re completely over the relationship. But that anger exists for a reason. Because they’re not over this person. Because they’re so frustrated and hurt that things didn’t work out. Although it might look like they’ve moved on because they can’t stand their ex, it’s the opposite. This person still holds a place in their heart — but they hate to admit it. It’s easier to stay angry than it is to admit how upset they are.


Capricorns can come across as emotionless when that’s the persona they want to show the word. They’re excellent at stuffing down their emotions and keeping a straight face. That’s why it might look like this sign is already over their ex, like they have forgotten all about the past and are focusing on the future ahead of them. But really, they are still thinking about their ex nonstop. They are a loyal sign that gets super attached to the people they consider important. If they agreed to enter a committed relationship, then they must have really cared about this person. Which means they aren’t going to get over this person overnight, even though it might seem that way from afar.