Maryia Plashchynskaya

4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Overcome Heartbreak This Autumn


You’ve endured your fair share of challenges this past year, Aries, affording you a deeper sense of introspection as you realize how far you’ve come. This autumn, be prepared to bid farewell to the obstacles that lay in your wake, especially when it comes to romances that fizzled out over the last few months. Instead, take the initiative with the remaining weeks of 2024, putting the past behind you and focusing on what future opportunities lie ahead.


You’ve thought a lot about your last relationship recently, Cancer, pouring over the mistakes you made and wondering how you might have avoided heartache. While accepting the end of a relationship is often a bitter pill to swallow, you’ll realize that you’ve become a stronger, more emotionally self-aware person as a result of your breakup. Wading through lengthy periods of sadness and self-reflection, you’ll emerge from the other side more comfortable about who you are and what you want – a realization that will finally come with the arrival of autumn.


You’ve been feeling somewhat overwhelmed lately, Virgo, causing you to feel tense and overworked even before you climb out of bed in the morning. Though you’re not aware of it, this tension is triggered from the past, largely stemming from your inability to let go and adjust to the new norms around you. With the start of the new season, sit back, breathe, and focus on each day as it unfolds, paying attention to the things you can control rather than needlessly worrying about the larger picture. Before you know it, you’ll have conquered the heartbreak that dominated days gone by, allowing you to better live out the present.


The weather may be growing cool outside, Pisces, but in your heart, you feel an intrinsic warmth sweeping through your entire body. Just as the leaves outside start to change colors, you’ll undergo a similar metamorphosis, acquiring an inner feeling of harmony that’s been absent for the past several months. Yes, you may have made mistakes in your last relationship, but nobody’s perfect (a revelation that took you far too long to fully accept). As you look around you, you’ll start to see that, while life can be punctuated by bouts of pain, there’s also tremendous beauty, counterbalancing our heartbreak with the redemptive joys of everyday life.