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4 Zodiac Soulmate Duos Who Take Time To Warm Up To Each Other


Both Libra and Cancer are so responsible and so independent that there’s no psychic wound triggered chemistry, no toxic spiral to set off in each other. Just two people who pay their bills on time and get enough sleep and generally do an above average job at taking care of themselves. They don’t see anything particularly attractive in the other, because they see so much of themselves. It takes several interactions for them to demonstrate and appreciate the complementary nuances each party brings to the table. Where Libra is intellectual, Cancer is intuitive. Where others find Cancer cold or distant, Libra isn’t afraid to directly seek out their attention. It just takes the two of them a second to figure the other one out, because neither is looking to recklessly invest their emotions in someone who just looks good on paper.


Sagittarius and Aries rub each other the wrong way at first. Both have extremely bold personalities and may be overwhelmed by going up against such an equally strong energy, albeit with a slight different vibration. Aries competitive nature is mirrored in Sagittarius, but finds conflict in the level of severity. Aries takes everything so seriously, where Sagittarius prefers to mask any deficiency through a light-hearted approach. It lowers the stakes, and allows them to win or lose more graciously. But the more time they spend around each other, the more they see how well they fit together. Aries can motivate Sagittarius and cheer on their wild passionate dreams, and Sagittarius can get Aries to pause and take a beat before acting, showing them how to do the homework before making a rash decision. Each helps the other mature into the better version of themselves.


These two signs seem like such polar opposites, that no one would ever even suspect they’d get together, until they find themselves in a romance only fit for fan-fiction. Virgo is instantly uncomfortable and irritated by Pisces sensitivity, and Pisces feels totally bulldozed by Virgo’s self-righteous diatribes. This cosmic connection is karmic, unleashing stored trauma and pain through the visualization of the very thing each person is lacking. Virgo can criticize and critique all day long, but can’t articulate the personal emotional impact a person or situation is having on them. Pisces, on the other hand, can unleash their emotions at will, but lacks the chutzpah to push back or stand up for themselves. The love they find within each other is a healing journey tailor made for their needs.


This is the nerd and the socialite love story that every rom-com loves to rinse and repeat, but in the real world, it’s not so instantly obvious that these two signs are destined to be anything more than acquaintances. Capricorn is head down studying or working, depending on what point in their lives they meet, and Leo seems frivolous and fun-seeking in comparison. The truth is that Capricorn wants to be desired for more than their brains and their work ethic just like anyone else, and Leo wants to be taken seriously and sought out for their personality and not just their ability to throw a good party. Once these two get past their rocky start, they are uniquely positioned to deliver the kind of tailored attention the other needs most.