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4 Zodiacs Battling Extreme Temptation From Their Inner Villain This Week (Oct 28 – Nov 3)

We all have that voice in our heads that leads us astray. It’s the inner villain who wants us to go “scorched Earth” when someone wrongs us, or do the exact wrong thing when we’d prefer to do the right one. Some inner villains are louder than others, but whether yours is soft as a mouse or loud as a freight train, you might be struggling to resist. For these four zodiac signs, your inner villain will be very tempting this week, and may usher you into your next villain era.


Your inner villain starts speaking up every time someone does something wrong to you. If a coworker is trying to get you fired, the inner villain starts whispering. If your partner cheats, it gets louder and louder. It’s the bull-headed nature of yours that wants to fight every time something goes wrong. You’ll be feeling the call to fight this week, and it’s up to the clear-headed version of you to figure out what you should do about it. Sometimes fighting is the right choice, but is that the case right now?


You’re normally very good at ignoring your inner villain. After all, you’d do just about anything to avoid hurting the people you care about. Then again, there’s that part of you who’s drawn to the idea of “an eye for an eye.” Any time someone hurts you, you have this drive to hurt them back in kind. While some people might be surprised to learn that you yearn for revenge, your best friends and closest family know the truth. This week, be careful or your inner villain might lead you to take out the revenge you’ve been fantasizing about.


You don’t take it well when people try to take credit for the things you do. This week, there’s at least one person in your life, most likely at work, who seems hell-bent on making you miserable. You could listen to your inner villain and try to take out you frustrations on them, or you could ignore those voices for at least a week. With some time, you might cool down and realize that retribution isn’t the answer. Remember, bad karma will get them in the end.


You have an incredible knack for knowing the exact right cutting words that will immediately hurt someone. It’s often your inner villain that spurs you on to say something you’ll inevitably regret. While there will be an opportunity to be truly nasty this week, make sure you’re cool with the consequences before you say anything. Some relationships aren’t worth saving, but even then you might prefer to end things with your head held high, rather than resorting to being inexcusably mean.