4 Zodiacs Experiencing a Major Confidence Boost This May
May is in full swing, and the astrological weather has some of the zodiac signs feeling themselves!
May provides several planetary shifts and transits that bring luck and abundance to different areas of our lives. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all starting the month in the grounded sign of Taurus, a focus on wealth, love, and security has been well within focus. On May 18th, the Jupiter Cazimi in Taurus (when Jupiter comes in extremely close conjunction with the Sun) will occur, marking the luckiest day of the year. A few days later, on May 25th, Jupiter will shift signs in Gemini, which will remain for the next year, giving us a change of pace in terms of where our luck grows and thrives.
While all the zodiac signs will experience the effects of these transits, a few will notice a huge confidence boost in how they see themselves or engage with the world around them. Check your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see which four zodiac signs will experience a huge confidence boost this month.
You already know that May is mostly your season, so of course, you’re feeling yourself! Throughout most of the month, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are all in your 1st House of Self and Identity. Notably, with Venus, your chart ruler, in this house, you shouldn’t be surprised if others are more drawn to you than usual. You may feel more confident in your appearance or even desire to change things up to suit you best—and people are noticing. May 18th could be a huge moment for your confidence, as it’s when the Jupiter Cazimi occurs in your sign. This is considered the luckiest day of this year, bringing plenty of luck and confidence to who you are in ways you may not expect. Don’t be afraid to lean into this energy—you deserve to celebrate yourself!
Truly, no one is experiencing a confidence boost quite like you this month, Gemini! Taurus season does take up most of the month, and all the planets transiting your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious have had you laying pretty low and keeping to yourself to recharge. However, once the Sun moves into Gemini on May 21st, expect a huge awakening as your 1st House of Self and Identity gets the spotlight. While other planets will show up in this house more in June, one planet shifting into your sign on May 25th will make all the difference—Jupiter, the planet of abundance and luck! Jupiter has been in Taurus for the last year, meaning it’s been moving slowly through your 12th House during this time. Yet, once it moves into your 1st House of Self and Identity, you’ll experience a healthy dose of luck in this area. Others may feel more attracted to your energy, and you may find you’re more willing to take risks that pay off. You have an exciting chapter ahead of you, and it’s worth getting excited about!
Due to fellow Earth sign Taurus’ presence this month, you’re experiencing some excitement in your self-expression, Capricorn! Taurus rules your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, and it highlights the things that bring you joy or excitement, as well as what you create. For most of May, many planets, including the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, are working their way through this house. It’s no secret that leaning into what you love and what inspires you radiates through your entire being, which is sure to increase your confidence throughout the month! Notably, May 18th is worth paying attention to, as it’s when the Jupiter Cazimi occurs in your 5th House. You may connect with others more than usual, especially in the romance department, or you may feel more inspired to create new projects that represent who you are. It’s okay to allow yourself to be happy, Capricorn—it will do wonders for you if you give it a chance!
While most of May occurs in your 4th House of Home and Roots, the end of the month marks a significant shift for you, Aquarius. While you’ve likely felt more reclusive and introverted during Taurus season, Gemini season lights up your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, encouraging you to express yourself in new and exciting ways! This feeling may feel more intense once Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, moves into this house (where it will remain for the next year), adding an expansive approach to pressuring your desires and what brings you joy. While part of you may enjoy being a mystery, leaning into this curious Gemini energy will enhance your confidence significantly—don’t let it pass you by so you can stay aloof.