Ron Lach

4 Zodiacs Experiencing Major Changes During This Week’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Pisces

Buckle up, everyone—the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces is upon us!

Eclipse season is always a bumpy ride, but ultimately, we are being shifted to where we need to be. On September 17th, 2024, at 10:35 pm (EST), this partial lunar eclipse will occur in the sign of creative and dreamy Pisces, and it’s time to turn our attention to pursuing the big dreams rather than settling for what is mediocre. 

Eclipses add more intensity to the already heightened energy of a full moon, meaning it’s time to release certain things holding you back. This can be painful, but it also makes room for what’s next in your journey. This eclipse will move away from disciplinarian Saturn and toward illusionist Neptune, which can give us a rose-colored glasses view of a situation. Nonetheless, the focus is on what you do with your life once changes have shaken things up. Will you step into uncharted territory with excitement, or will you disappear into delusion about what could’ve been? 

While all the zodiac signs will feel the effects of this lunar eclipse, a few signs will see significant changes in foundational areas of their lives. Check your sign below (Rising and Sun!) to see which four zodiac signs will experience massive changes during this full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces. 


It’s a new era for you, Pisces. This lunar eclipse occurs in your 1st House of Self and Identity, making it ideal for you to discover who you are instead of who you think you must be. In some ways, this can feel like a funeral to the person you’ve known yourself to be—you hold love and space for them, but they aren’t you anymore. You may try to change your appearance or perception through new styles of aesthetic changes, or you may be more vocal about the person you are, especially if you believe others don’t know the real you. These changes can feel emotional and even life-altering, as people can struggle with changes surrounding the people they know and love. However, being able to step into your authentic self instead of playing a right is liberation you’ve been dreaming of for quite some time, and now that you’ve thought through the consequences, decide how you want to take these first steps into the new. 


Your relationships are experiencing some changes, Virgo. As the lunar eclipse occurs in your 7th House of Partnerships, it’s time to be open and honest about your one-on-one connections. In some ways, your relationship may undergo changes that promote growth and help you move forward together stronger than before. The focus is on whether everyone’s needs are being fully met in the connection—and if not, is it possible to do so? Sometimes, the most difficult thing we can do is admit when a relationship or friendship has run its course. You’re not one to give up at the first sight of hardship, so if things can be sorted through, be open to what the relationship can become. However, sacrificing your wants, needs, and desires to hold things together will bite you in the long run. Regardless, the structure and ways your relationships operate won’t be the same, so what will you do with the change?


Are you where you want to be, Gemini? That’s the million-dollar question as the lunar eclipse moves into your 10th House of Career and Public Image. Additionally, the ruler of Pisces, Jupiter, is in your sign, guiding this eclipse to impact how you see yourself (and how the rest of the world sees you, too). Truthfully, this period could serve as a wake-up call that you’re not on the right path, which can be hard to accept. If endings occur in your career, know it’s time to pivot to something else rather than digging your heels to search for the same things. On the other hand, you could have the ability to grow in your chosen field with unexpected opportunities or responsibilities given to you. It’s important to be aware of what is happening around you rather than trying to force control. You’re adaptable and have more skills and talents than you give yourself credit for, and it’s time you embraced that side of yourself. Know that the more you seek to align your future goals with who you are, the better off you will be. 


This lunar eclipse is hitting home for you, Sagittarius, literally speaking. As this event occurs in your 4th House of Home and Roots, changes regarding what and where you call home are on the horizon. Perhaps you’re considering a move or changing your idea of what home means to you. This may bring up memories and unresolved issues from your past, so it’s best to face them head-on rather than shoving them down again. You may also notice shifts in your relationships or with family members as you experience a change in how you connect with those around you. You may realize it’s time to change the nature of certain partnerships or create stronger boundaries with relatives. Ultimately, you can’t bend everything to what you want, so learning to accept what you’ve experienced and let it change you for the better is worth pursuing.