Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Feeling Nostalgic For Their Younger Years This Week (March 11 – 17)

So much is going on in life in the present or in the view of the future that we can often go months or years without ever really thinking about the past. Then one spark, like someone singing the jingle of a commercial from your childhood, and suddenly your plunged into the deep end of nostalgia. While some signs are impervious to the past, even they can get caught up in how things used to be. This week, these four zodiac signs are catching up on old times, whether as harmless nostalgia or a yearning for things that are now out of their grasp.


Of the entire zodiac, you’re the sign most likely to be stuck in the past. But while that often manifests as regret or anger, this week you’re just feeling nostalgic for all the little positive things you experienced in your youth. From bonfires during summer nights under the stars to skinny dipping in a crystal clear lake with your best friends, you’re looking wistfully back at your best years. Just remember that you can create just as many happy memories now, even though you might not be as limber as you used to be.


Your nostalgia is manifesting as a memory of all the people who meant so much to you when you were younger. This week, you’re thinking about the people who made you you, from the exes who taught you how to love to the friends who still stick by your side to this day. If you could bottle up all the love you have for the people of your past, it could solve all the negativity in the world. Alas, all you have is memories and the warm fuzzy feelings they give you.


It can sometimes feel like things were so much better when you were a kid. You had no cares in the world–you just did what you wanted and created lasting memories. Things aren’t as good as they used to be. Alas, this is the doom of every generation. You look wistfully back, sure that your generation had it right, but guess who also felt that way about their own? Your parents, and their parents, and their parents, until the beginning of time. That doesn’t mean you can’t look back fondly, though!


Although you sometimes ignore this fact, your past is what made you who you are today. You wouldn’t be this interesting person without the younger version of you who made mistakes, thought they were so smart, and took the chances you might consider reckless today. So embrace all the little things you loved about your younger years, from the music and movies to the snacks and aesthetic. There’s nothing wrong with living in the past a little, so long as you don’t make it a habit.