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4 Zodiacs Learning To Leave Their Jealousy Behind


Virgo is learning that what’s meant for them won’t ever feel like a competition. The thrill and adrenaline that used to come from pulling someone’s attention away from everyone else or playing “the game” better than any VH1 contestant you still know by their stage name isn’t enough. Virgo is looking for someone who is naturally interested. They shouldn’t have to fight, or bend over backwards to keep their soulmate invested. Chemistry is chemistry. Things are either attracted, or they’re not. They either react to certain stimuli or conditions or they don’t. Love should be like a really simple comfort food recipe. A few solid things that go really well together, without a crazy amount of time or effort, like grilled cheese or a chocolate chip cookie. Virgo is learning that life isn’t about keeping other people from what you have. The truth is that good relationships, like toasted sandwiches and baked goods can be found in abundance. It’s about learning to appreciate all the little ways the one in front of you is special. It’s consistent. It’s there for you whenever you need it. A secret recipe all your own. 


Cancer is learning that a lot of their jealous comes from a lack of self-esteem. The part of them that assumes that someone else could insert themselves into the equation because something is lacking. Something they are not bringing to the table. Once Cancer realizes that this mindset and thought pattern is what’s getting the better of them, they can discuss these things with their partner, and address them as an individual. Whether the insecurities are physical, financial, social or otherwise, Cancer can open up about what’s really bothering them, and find different ways to reframe the ways they see themselves. The truth is that no one is forced to be with them. So if their parter really wanted someone with different qualities, there would be nothing stopping them from leaving the relationship to go find such a person. Cancer is an open book, so whoever is by their side has chosen them with intention. They are not simply bidding their time waiting for an actor slash model slash professional athlete slash business owner to come strutting by and steal them away. Cancer simply needs to acknowledge that their fears are a desire to be something that is still a work in progress.


Pisces is learning that their jealousy is really a desire for the things they’ve never raise their hand and asked for. It’s seeing a picture, a video, a blog post on someone else’s social media page and asking themselves, “why wasn’t that me?” The answer, more often than not, is because they didn’t try. Pisces didn’t book a flight to Istanbul, research an itinerary, book the accommodations, pack a suitcase and head to the airport. Pisces didn’t get engaged over the holiday because they haven’t really prioritized dating or opened themselves up as fully as they could on the dates they did go on this year. Pisces didn’t bake a mouthwatering cake from scratch because they opted for GrubHub. The lesson here is three-fold. One – if Pisces wanted these things, really prioritized them, they could have them. Two – what Pisces sees from the outside is rarely the full picture. Maybe that trip was exhausting, the relationships is in shambles, and the cake tasted like absolute garbage. Three – different is okay, and sometimes different is better. Pisces ultimately knows what is right for them, and is the decision maker in their own life. They need to remember that the path they’re on is the one they chosen for a reason. 


Aries is learning not to act out of anger. Of course it’s hard, seeing someone else have the thing we want, wanted, or had. Watching our crush, ex crush, or ex move on with someone else is upsetting. Letting go of the plans and fantasies we had drawn up in our heads. Wishing someone saw in us what we saw in them. But Aries is learning not to take it personally. They are reminding themselves of all the amazing people they have met but not had chemistry with. The people they tried to let down easily. There was nothing personal when they were on the giving end of disappointment, so why should anything change when they are on the receiving end? For a relationship to really, truly work, both people have to be fully interested. And if one person is not, then there was never any way it could have worked out. Life is too short to hold that against anyone, and every failed or unrequited relationship has the potential to become an important friendship in our lives. There is a chance for something good to come from that disappointment. Aries would always rather be left with something than nothing.