4 Zodiacs Leveling-Up Their Intuitive Psychic Powers Right Now (Thanks To Pisces Season)
When it comes to the zodiac, Pisces has a special role to play. Being the last stop on the wheel, his compassionate and psychically tapped-in Water sign connects us to our higher purpose and spiritual realms or practices. As the Sun travels around the zodiac, its current sign becomes an area of personal focus. While everyone’s intuition is heightened during Pisces Season, there are four signs who can downright level-up their psychic abilities. Those zodiac signs are..
Pisces is the ruler of your 12th House of Spiritual Connection. During this period you may be a bit more intune with the subtle energies or universal frequencies that keep our world woven together. You’re especially susceptible to receiving messages from the spirit realm or other planes of existence. These communications come in the form of symbols, phrases, angel numbers or dreams. Pay careful attention to your nightly visions as they can tell you a lot about the state of your inner psyche and answer questions about your waking life. Dreams are especially potent, as you have work to do in that realm. Think of yourself as a dream warrior! Pisces Season is a time to remember that you are divinely guided and invited to interact with forces outside of our reality.
You seem to find this beautiful inner harmony during your fellow Water sign seasons. The Sun arrives in Pisces just in time, and typically leaves you with an enlightening experience. Your 9th House of the Higher Mind gets lit up, and you may find yourself diving deeper into spiritual practices or researching to expand your knowledge repertoire. With a sense of calm and tranquility you also easily connect to your inner knowing. It can be especially beneficial to follow your gut feeling, to work with your intuition and cultivate it as if it were a skill— which it is. You have the ability to strengthen your psychic ability like a muscle. It just takes some dedication and practice. What you direct your energy and intention towards during Pisces Season tends to grow and stick with you. Whatever you do, use this time and your power wisely.
Pisces Season brings out your inner witch, and let’s be honest Leo, you love a good hunt. What you are on the prowl for is information, inner-peace, the life of your dreams and the truth. All in good time, dear Lion. However, Pisces Season is a particularly powerful time for you to manifest or dive into occult practices. Yes, you are intune with the vibration of the world and other realms around you, your intuition is sharper— but you can also dive deeper into your own shadow, as your 8th House of Magic and the Unknown is the center of attention. Break-out the tarot card or astrology chart, perform a magical ritual to cast your bidding. You’re a little extra psychic right now, and may be able to sense what’s coming. The secret sauce is recognizing your own divine power and acting accordingly. Once you do, you live in flow and life is so much easier there.
You tend to get pretty sensitive during wishy washy Pisces Season. However, instead of seeing it as a weakness, you could use this time to your advantage. When you dive deep into your feelings, you not only come to a better understanding of yourself, but the people you care for the most. You are especially receptive to the needs of others at this time, and may find yourself empathizing on much deeper levels. With the Sun traveling through the root of your chart, you can psychically tune into the world and people around you. You just sense what is needed and intuitively know the right course action. This type of awareness is powerful, and practicing meditation will particularly enhance these abilities. Pisces Season is an invitation to trust your inner compass, not just for the next 30 days but all year round.