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4 Zodiacs Manifesting Career Growth This Week (January 29 – February 4)

Why sit back complaining about your job when you can do something to change it? Our culture tells us that we should be happy with whatever job we get, even if we spend our afternoons crying in the staff bathroom. Truth is, there are so many jobs out there and so many companies to work for. All you have to do is know your worth and accept nothing less. For these four zodiac signs, this is the perfect week to manifest great changes for your career. Go out there and create the dream job you’ve always wanted.


The status quo is just really not your thing. Slogging away at a dead end job saps your soul of all color and meaning, so you aren’t one to put up with that for long. This week, check in with yourself and how you’re feeling about your career. Has it gotten stale? Are you feeling bored? Do you feel like you’re sleepwalking through your life? It’s time to shake things up. And since you can sometimes be an agent of chaos, you’ll no doubt come up with a creative way to manifest that career change this week.


You’re really good at your job to the point that your fellow coworkers might be a little annoyed if you’re always making them look like slackers. The problem is that you get so focused on what you’re tasked to do that you forget about ways to move ahead in your career. This week, think about the future you want for yourself. Do you dream of something bigger than the role you have right now? If so, use this time to figure out all the nitty gritty details of how to move up or onward.


You’re the type to live for your free time, and not for your job. That often means you have blinders on when it comes to your actual career. You’ll stick with bad jobs and dead-end positions because you ultimately care more about what you do once you’re off the clock. Still, the better your career, the more fulfilled you’ll feel overall. Plus, you might even have extra money for all the adventures you plan for your time off. This week, stop ignoring how you feel about your 9-5 and start manifesting the career you deserve.


Of all the signs on this list, you’re the most career-minded. Honestly, you’re always looking for ways to improve your position or have lofty goals for new companies to work for. This week, think about how your job affects the rest of your life. Have you sacrificed sleep or time with family in the name of having the most impressive resume? Manifest a work/life balance that keeps you sane and happy this week.