4 Zodiacs Most Likely To Bring The Drama This Christmas Weekend (Dec 23-25)

Whenever you get the whole family together–the aunts and uncles, the racist grandma, the nieces and nephews who won’t stop screaming–you can bet there’s going to be at least a little drama. But are you going to be the one bringing it? If you’re one of these four zodiac signs, you might be the drama this Christmas weekend. You might as well own it!


It’s not that you’re necessarily looking for trouble–you’re just going to have a short fuse when it comes to annoyance this Christmas weekend. Honestly, you’d rather just be at home by yourself than hanging out with a house filled with half people you love and half people who you wish you weren’t related to. But you come because your family wants you there, which means that they have to incur your bad attitude once you get tired of the bullshit. If you can put on a happy face, that might make the event easier for everyone, including yourself. But you could always let the drama out. It’s up to you.


Get ready to say the wrong thing at least once this weekend. Whether it’s bringing up your cousin’s crazy ex-fiancé or your aunt’s mysterious windfall after her husband died, you’ll find yourself stirring up the drama without even realizing it. While you may not set out to cause drama, you have to admit that you don’t really mind it once it’s happening. Honestly, these family get-togethers are way more interesting when you have a bunch of gossip to share with your friends when you get back home.


You’re the type to get pulled into other people’s drama without your permission. Get ready for people to say, “See, Scorpio agrees with me,” anytime they feel compelled to ‘tell it like it is.’ The real attention-seekers will rope you in just so they don’t have to go it alone. It’s up to you to decide if you want to stay silent or go along with whatever half-cooked scheme they’ve got going on. Knowing you, you’ll probably just throw up your hands and say “I’m staying out of this,” while slowly backing out of the room.


You’re blunt. While your inner circle knows and appreciates this about you, your extended family isn’t going to be so loving about it. Drama is going to start whether you like it or not, purely because people are going to misunderstand you. Sure, you could try your hardest to smile more and be warmer to people, but that’s no guarantee that your relatives won’t still find something to complain about.