Mert Coşkun

4 Zodiacs Ready To Dominate Life’s Curveballs This Fall


Taurus deals with the unexpected by self-soothing. There’s retail therapy, massage therapy, actual therapy. They’re basically covered with professional support from all angles. So when they get caught off-guard by something they weren’t planning for, they don’t immediately go into a tail spin. They tap into their support system and take some time to react to the surprise. They don’t make rash decisions out of fear or hesitancy, they weigh out all of their options and put together an action plan. They know how to maintain balance in the other areas of their life while they deal with change elsewhere. Eating square meals, getting regular sleep, staying hydrated. It’s the self-care mentality that helps them get through anything.


Aries conquers the unexpected by staying open minded. It can be easy to run away from the unknown, to only focus on the potential threats it poses, but Aries prefers to consider all of the possibilities as well. How this experience could help them grow and evolve, the relationships they might build, the knowledge they might gain, the fun they might have. By not immediately blocking out the potential for positive, they allow themselves a space in which to consider the opportunity comfortably. They resist the urge for fight or flight, and instead put the option of play back on the table. If they can approach the situation from a youthful outlook where anything is possible, the unknown always becomes an adventure.


Aquarius conquers the unexpected by seeking out experts. People who have been through the same situation before who can share their first hand experience. The highs and their lows. The things they learned, the things they’d do again, and the things they’d change a second time around. Just because something is strange and unknown to Aquarius doesn’t mean that it’s novel to the whole world. Aquarius does a great job of keeping that fact in mind and leaning on the network of people they trust to help them become more informed. When they have those details in hand, suddenly the whole concept becomes so much less intimidating. If other have conquered this challenge in the past, Aquarius has faith in themselves to do the same.


Scorpio conquers the unexpected by trusting their intuition. When they don’t have the time or luxury to prepare for something in advance, they always choose to trust their gut. If it feels good, they’re not afraid to jump in head first into a new endeavor, but if they feel a sense of hesitation, they are just as comfortable pressing pause until they can get more of a feel for what’s going on. They know their gut has never steered them wrong, and their first reaction to a situation is usually the right one. Just because the scenario is new doesn’t mean that Scorpio’s ability to evaluate and probe is too. They have a ton of life experience they can lean on to apply to this situation.