4 Zodiacs Starting a New Life Chapter in June
Your new life chapter is all about evaluation, Aries. You take a good, hard look at your current circumstances, your routine, and your desires, and are brutally honest about what’s working for you and what is not. You cannot change anything you’re unwilling to admit you’re unhappy with. You can’t optimize until you figure out what’s giving you the best results. Everything in life is not either a gold medal or a total failure. Success always comes with room for improvement, and the things that disappoint us always provide us with newfound knowledge to use on our next try. Think of your life the same way you do your job performance. When asked to evaluate your own work, you can’t take credit for the things you didn’t do, and you have to be willing to put your highlight reel on display. Use the same level of honesty, even when it’s just with yourself. You don’t need anyone else to push you or give you a pat on the back. You can do that for you. You can be your biggest coach and cheerleader all in one. You just have to take the time to look.
Your new life chapter is about establishing boundaries, Libra. You have been carrying some kind of resentment around with you, and that salty pasta water is now at a full boil, and you’ve got to do something with it before it makes a mess everywhere. Whatever you haven’t been doing for yourself, whatever truth you haven’t been saying out loud, whatever buttons you’ve been letting others continually push, it’s time for it all to end. It’s hard when things are at such an inflection point to take a beat and not just explode on everyone, but there is a way to create that healthy distance without crossing anyone else’s boundaries in return. You can’t control anyone else’s response or behavior but you can choose who you engage with and what you will tolerate. You can’t continue to let others dictate your discomfort because you’re too afraid to draw a line in the sand, it’s not sustainable. You need the safety and comfort of time or space that’s on your terms. Who you share that with is up to you.
Your new life chapter is about security, Sagittarius. The kind of security that fuels enormous change. Security that tells you your relationship can withstand a few days of bad moods or funk, that your closest friends will always be your friends even if you move across the country, that you can afford to make a large purchase without worrying about an apocalypse, that your family is always a phone call away. It’s a security that drives you towards growth in place of the fantasy of escape, that lets you look in the mirror and see the person you always wanted to grow up to be, that makes you trust that the future you’re headed towards is a happy one. This security is the result of your own hard work, the scary things you’ve tried and failed at, the ones that were a success, the relationships you’ve nurtured, the millions of times you put yourself out there before you found the people you now count on. You are always a work in progress, but the progress becomes an indicator for future success, it becomes the precedent, it becomes odds you can count on.
Your new life chapter is about recognition, Pisces. It’s about taking everything you’ve learned and encountered and applying it in real-time to your own life. It’s reading between the lines, identifying patterns, and making analyses. It’s realizing you now have the archetypes and the language to describe behaviors and interactions and structures you reacted to in the past but didn’t have words for. It’s the difference between freshman and senior-year English classes. You can’t write an essay until you know what you’re looking for, but instead of writing about books, you’re engaging with life, navigating relationships, discovering your own identity, and developing and executing plans for your future. It’s like being a teenager but on steroids. Do you remember the first time you recognized someone else’s emotions or motivations? That someone was being a jerk because they were hurt, or being quiet not because they didn’t like you, but because they were shy? This new life chapter is the next phase of that journey. That outward recognition is more acute and nuanced, and you use it as your own personal GPS for adulthood. It gives you your bearings and helps you decide where you want to be headed yourself.