Angelica Kushnir

4 Zodiacs Starting A Powerful New Chapter Under This Week’s New Moon In Virgo

The new moon is here, friends!

On September 2nd at 9:55 pm (EST), the new moon in Virgo will occur, giving us a much-needed fresh start. Virgo is a sign that enjoys getting into the details and taking a practical approach to getting things done, which is great motivation for making changes we’ve been holding back on. Things may feel more serious, but that’s due to Virgo’s no-nonsense approach: sometimes, we need some discipline to make things happen.

While all the zodiac signs will feel the effects of this moon, a few signs will experience new chapters in significant areas of their lives. Check the signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what zodiac sign will start a powerful new chapter under the new moon in Virgo.


It’s time to put things in perspective, Virgo. As the new moon moves through your 1st House of Self and Identity, it’s worth getting a clearer picture of your next steps. If you have a new goal you want to pursue, a new look you want to embrace or explore a new side of yourself, this is the best opportunity for a reset. You’ll want to ensure you’re using this to take steps forward rather than hide from unresolved issues. If you’re struggling with a friend or partner, especially surrounding themes of what you want and need, it’s worth clearing the air so that there isn’t anything holding you back—simply glossing over the problem means it will just come back later. 


Your relationships are starting a new chapter, Pisces. As the new moon happens in your 7th House of Partnerships, it’s a good time to reflect on where things are going in these connections. You may realize opportunities to improve the relationships, and having open conversations about what can help may be a great first step. Additionally, new people may show up in your life to whom you feel very connected—don’t be afraid to see what may come of it!


Are you ready for your time to shine, Sagittarius? As the new moon appears in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, the hard work you’ve been putting in is paying off, and people are taking notice. This could open the door to new career possibilities, but you’ll naturally want to weigh the pros and cons before making final decisions. This could also be when you feel very seen, which can be uncomfortable, but your influence holds weight—ask yourself what you want to do with it. 


It’s time to let go of the past and embrace the present, Gemini. With the New Moon in your 4th House of Home and Roots, you’re exploring what life looks like outside the defined parameters of your childhood and your past. You could also step into more responsibility at home, or decide to move and make a change altogether. While we shouldn’t ignore what helped make us who we are, it’s also important not to stay so tethered to it that we never grow. You can start a clean slate, so what will you do with it?