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4 Zodiacs Who Absolutely Thrive In Fall


Gemini’s wardrobe is built for Fall. They have their work sweaters, their date sweaters, and their staying-in-bed-all-day hungover sweaters (holes included). Their caffeine addictions get injected with all of the seasonal flavors, and it kicks off all of their favorite holiday celebrations. Even though their different obligations and organizations sometimes mean they’ll be double booked for a pumpkin patch and an apple orchard, Geminis are built to handle a social calendar this demanding. They’re the sign that associates this time of year with a ‘back to school’ mentality no matter how old they get, and there’s nothing like a fresh pair of sneakers or a new pair of boots to help them feel focused or reset their intentions. Whenever they’re dressed for the mission at hand, and they get to dress up their house with seasonal decorations they find comfort in these annual routines and traditions.


Sagittarius lives for change, and nothing says change quite like Fall. Of all the seasonal transitions, it is by many standards the most pleasantly noticeable. It doesn’t take forever to arrive like Spring and offers up a much more agreeable palate than those first grey weeks of Winter. The break up between seasons offers the same change of scenery that a vacation does, without the need to pay a cent for travel. If an imaginative Sagittarius can conjure up Summer visions of sailboats and spritzes in the Riviera, then Fall symbolizes all the doom and gloom of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles. The more fog, the better. Their spooky season needs gothic undertones or else it loses all of its charm. Throw in some tweed, a little English countryside charm, maybe a scone, and some clotted cream, and your Sagittarius will be good to go until the first snowfall.


Virgos already have their Thanksgiving seating charts and place settings finalized by Labor Day weekend. They plan for Fall year-round, the same way Santa’s elves work tirelessly 24/7, 365 to crank out toys, but for Virgos, the product is dinner parties. Fall brings with it a seasonal selection of produce and dishes that are unparalleled to anything else. A Virgo will tell you to keep your ramps and your summer corn, all they obsess about night and day counting down across multiple meticulous calendars is how long they have to wait until it’s socially acceptable to bake every kind of Fall pie under the sun. Apple, pumpkin, pecan, and any other beige delight you prefer. Turkey. Stuffing. Candy Corn. Caramel apples. The list goes on and on. And you know they’ve made a list. Don’t you dare ask a Virgo if you can “just order a pizza” in the middle of Fall. It’s practically sacrilegious to think, let alone utter out loud.


Scorpio thrives in Fall, because it’s the time of year they can slowly step back from their social lives after overexerting themselves all summer. The most extroverted introverts need time alone after all the weekend trips and days at the beach and backyard barbecues. When school kicks back up and people start planning holidays with family, it’s the perfect excuse for them to lay low. All of the good TV shows start to premiere, and there is nothing they love more than to build their own cocoon in their beds and entertain themselves alone, or with a new interest that might make it to cuffing season with them. It depends on how well they come up with ideas for a couples-themed Halloween costume.