4 Zodiacs Who Always Remain Positive In The Face Of Adversity
Aries doesn’t believe anything bad can last forever, so when they find themselves up against unfavorable odds, they just put their best foot forward, confident that no matter how many times they fail along the way, things will end in their favor. They can handle break ups and layoffs better than anyone you know. They have the emotional rebound capacity of a professional skateboarder or rodeo star. They know it’s impossible to taste glory without first feeling the sting of a wipeout several times over. Their secret is that they allow themselves time to feel the disappointments along the way, but don’t let it keep them from getting back up. That duality of allowing yourself to feel hope in the face of despair, of understanding that both feelings exist in parallel and because of each other, is what allows them to come out on top.
Aquarius remains positive in the face of adversity because they know how to look for the good in people in any situation. When they find themselves faced with conflict, they look around for one positive thing to hold onto. They know it doesn’t justify the negative aspects or make them disappear, but it helps them hold out for something better. Time changes everything, so even if there’s nothing they themselves can do to provide an immediate fix, that single positive detail is a reminder that something good can and will happen every day. Finding that one good thing means other good things are on their way and can happen to us, even in the midst of our personal struggles. It’s not faith, spirituality, belief in magic or manifestation. It’s simple probability. In the roulette wheel of life, even if you’ve been landing on black dozens of times in a row, there is still a 50% chance that the next time you’ll land on red.
Cancer keeps a level head in the face of adversity, because in all likelihood they’ve seen worse. They don’t try to talk themselves out of their feelings through comparison against some kind of emotional yardstick, but they do remind themselves that if they got themselves through that last scrape, they are just as capable of making it out of this in one piece with their head held high. They are tough cookies who know how to separate their own feelings and actions from those of others. They will always speak up and act on what they believe to be right, knowing they can’t control how others respond. It’s enough for them to give their best performance every time, having learned through practice to find inner satisfaction instead of relying on external approval. There’s nothing they can’t achieve when they are their own north star.
Taurus takes the gold in self-soothing. When faced with adversity, they know what will best serve as a balm for that particular brand of failure. Sometimes it’s a bath, sometimes it’s a glass of champagne. Sometimes it’s a few kind words directed at their own reflection in the mirror. Whatever it is, they trust that no matter the circumstance, there has to be one thing, no matter how small, that can make things the slightest bit better. And Taurus is blessed with the good sense to not suffer unnecessarily. So even if it comes down to eating a regular meal, they won’t be hungry and devastated out of pure stubbornness. The trait they are best known for doesn’t extend to their own self-care. They take that responsibility extremely seriously and benefit because of it.