4 Zodiacs Who Always Think Their Crush Is Out Of Their League
Some zodiacs are confident when it comes to dating. They see their worth and know that they deserve the best of the best. Other signs are a little more insecure. They always feel like the person they’re crushing on is out of their league:
This sign has trouble recognizing their strengths, even though they see the best in everyone else they meet. They care about their loved ones so much that they end up overestimating them while underestimating themselves. Cancers can sometimes end up in relationships that become one-sided because they overcompensate by doing everything they possibly can for their partner because they feel like their partner is out of their league. They feel like they have to work extra hard in order to keep this other person around. Since they have so many doubts about themselves, they assume that their partner feels the same way. Even when someone reassures them that they are loved, they still feel like that couldn’t possibly be true. They believe their own insecurities over the words that their partner is saying.
Pisces are people pleasers. They have trouble saying no because they want to be wanted. They want everyone to stay smiling and have a good time when they’re around. Unfortunately, this mindset can cause them to feel like it’s their responsibility to take care of everyone else. It can cause them to be manipulated easily – so if you treat Pisces like you’re out of their league, then they are going to believe it. They are going to believe that they’re lucky you are spending a second of your time on them. They are going to believe that they are chasing after someone far out of their league.
This sign loves love, so they end up putting people on pedestals. They see their crush though rose colored glasses so they miss all the flaws while focusing on the strengths. Even though this zodiac sign knows what they deserve and refuses to lower their standards, that doesn’t stop them from feeling like their crushes are out of their league. After all, they only fall for the best of the best. They are holding out for someone special. They are always going to feel like their crush is superior in every single way because they will be convinced this person is an angel on earth – but that won’t stop them from chasing after this person. They might feel like this person is out of their league but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy of them.
Capricorns are pretty confident in their day to day lives, but they feel awkward when it comes to love. After all, they know how to handle numbers and documents – but people are a little more confusing. Capricorns are cynics, so they usually feel like their crush is out of their league, like there’s no point in chasing after them, like there’s no chance they’re going to end up with a happily ever after. They assume that they’re going to get their heart broken again because that’s been the trend in the past. They never leave room for optimism.