4 Zodiacs Who Are Already Stressed About The Holidays
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4 Zodiacs Who Are Already Stressed About The Holidays

Some zodiacs cannot wait until the holiday season. They love the lights, the music, the joy in the air. But for others, the holidays are mostly a reason to stress. There are presents to buy. Flights and dinners to schedule. And relatives to endure. Here are a few zodiacs who are already starting to stress about the holiday season:


You’re a perfectionist who wants everything to go smoothly on a normal day — and around the holidays, there’s even more pressure to get things right and keep everyone (including yourself) happy. You don’t want to ruin the mood for anyone, so you try to be on your best behavior around this time of year. You don’t want to cause anyone more stress than they are already dealing with, so you try to keep your complaints to yourself. You try not to be a Grinch about work or your love life or whatever other problems you’re dealing with. But it’s hard when this time of year brings out your stressed side.


Around the holidays, you’re spending a lot of time around relatives — and not all of them get along. Since you cannot stand to see others upset, you’re always the problem solver. The one who tries to keep the peace. The one who listens to everyone’s problems and tries to come to a compromise that will make the whole family happy. The holidays are a stressful time for you because you rarely have a moment to worry about yourself. You’re too busy thinking about the people around you, worrying whether they’re going to receive the perfect gift and whether they’re going to make it through dinner without another fight.


You are naturally pessimistic, so it’s hard to see everyone celebrating around this time of year. It makes you feel even more like a Scrooge than usual because you’re not thinking about everything that could go right. You’re focused on everything that could go wrong, and you’re missing people who aren’t around anymore, and you’re worried about whether how this year is going to compare to the rest. It’s hard for you to play pretend and act cheery, but you don’t want to disappoint the people around you. You don’t want to be the only downer. But it’s not like this time of year is all that different from any other time of year. You’re still dealing with the same fears and problems and stressors.


When you were younger, you were happiest around the holidays. You enjoyed spending time with loved ones and receiving presents from your favorite people. But time has made you more cynical. You know this time of year isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. You don’t want to spend time with people who ignore you the rest of the year, and you don’t want people you care about to spend money they can’t afford. The holidays have lost some of their magic, but you’ll try to enjoy them as much as you can.