4 Zodiacs Who Are Always Worried Something Horrible Is About To Happen
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4 Zodiacs Who Are Always Worried Something Horrible Is About To Happen

Some people are naturally more optimistic than others. They’re able to see the bright side and look forward to better things that are to come. But other people lean more toward pessimism. They have a hard time enjoying the moment because they’re worried about what the future holds. Here are the zodiacs who are always worried something terrible is about to happen:


Taurus, you are an overthinker, so you’re always worried something horrible is going to happen soon. You are quite cynical, so when someone makes you a promise or you have a fun event scribbled in your schedule, you have trouble getting excited about it because you’re worried it isn’t going to happen the way it’s supposed to happen. You’re worried you’re going to end up disappointed. Since you’re so scared that something bad is bound to happen, you rarely give yourself permission to be happy, to be excited, to look forward to tomorrow. You’re too busy dreading tomorrow instead.


Virgo, you are always living in the past or the future. You are always thinking about the ways you messed up yesterday or the ways you might mess up tomorrow. You have a hard time enjoying the present moment that you’re in, even when it’s a beautiful one, because you’re worried it won’t last. You’re worried you’re going to wake up and everyone you cared about will be gone, everything you worked toward achieving will disappear. Even though it’s okay to be cautious and to keep your hopes at a reasonable level, you don’t want to worry too much about what’s going to come down the line. You can’t worry so much about losing everything that you don’t give yourself any time to appreciate everything. 


Scorpio, sometimes you feel like you aren’t deserving of happiness (which is not true at all), so you have trouble making the most of a positive moment. You have been trained to focus on the negative, on the small things that have gone wrong, instead of celebrating everything that has gone right. Even when your life is going great, you have trouble enjoying it because you’re convinced something horrible is going to happen to ‘balance out’ the good things. But that’s not the way the world works. No one is keeping track of how many good and bad things happen to you and making sure they even out. And by always expecting the worst, you’re only making yourself more stressed. You need to give yourself permission to relax, to enjoy what’s happening today without stressing about tomorrow.


Capricorn, you’re a pretty cynical person. You have trouble accepting the wonderful people who enter your life because you’re suspicious of their intentions. You feel like they’re too good to be true. You are always worried something horrible is about to happen, which is why you try to assert so much control over your life. You don’t want to place your happiness or success in anyone else’s hands because you don’t trust them as much as you trust yourself. Relying on yourself feels safer. But if you never let anyone in, if you never give them the opportunity to bring more happiness into your life, you could end up pretty lonely.