4 Zodiacs Who Are Doing Better Than They Think They Are
No one is harder on themselves that a Scorpio. They hold themselves to incredible standards and are constantly evaluating themselves down to the most innocuous details of their day. They are self-conscious about every word of every conversation, every choice they make at work, every meal they eat, every chore they do. But they never stop to realize just how much they accomplish in a single day. How admirable it is that they manage to run around everywhere doing everything and still manage to brush their teeth and do their laundry. They are so responsible and so dependable, their only flaw is letting their own anxiety get the better of them. They are well ahead of all of their peers. If only they would see it is more than enough.
Aquarius is so self critical when it comes to their interpersonal relationships. They put pressure on themselves to be the best friend possible to everyone they care about. They even feel compelled to treat the people they donβt really care for with superhuman hospitality and humility. They are always challenging themselves to listen better to empathize more, to be more charitable with their thoughts, emotions, and resources. But they fail to give themselves the credit they deserve. Any more goodwill to humankind and they may as well be a religious figure, icon, or guru. Negative feelings are a natural part of life, and they canβt beat themselves up every time they get upset or annoyed with someone in their vicinity. They are so quick to forgive or give the benefit of the doubt, and thatβs what people remember them for.
Libra is the most fiscally responsible zodiac sign. Theyβll never blow a paycheck on a Friday, and automatically deduct a portion into their savings account. They are so hyper fixated on their emergency fund, their retirement fund, and their kids college fund that they agonize over every casual purchase throughout their day. Should they really pay for that coffee, that new t-shirt, that scoop of ice cream? Inflation is so daunting, as is the price of housing, and if they donβt make drastic cuts now, they feel theyβll never be able to fund their ten year plan. But the truth is they made moves early on that will continue to compound and benefit them as they grow older and increase their income. They will thank themselves for those decisions later on, but for now they can start to enjoy themselves a little.
Capricorn is a little concerned with labels. Job titles, rights of passage, comparisons with their neighbors. If theyβre not a director, a spouse, or a city council member all by the ripe age of twenty-five, they feel like they are running behind on life. How and where they decided to set these arbitrary deadlines and milestones for themselves is lost to us, but how Capricorn deals with that self-imposed pressure is another story. They just need to learn that we are all on different paths, moving at different paces, but what matters is that we stick it out and reach our own intended destinations. Sometime that destination changes mid-trip, and thatβs okay. As long as they remember to enjoy the view along the way, all the worry will be worth it.