Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Are Most Likely To Get Into A Philosophical Argument At A Party

There’s always that group of people at the party. They’re posted up in the kitchen or staking claim to a couch, and anyone who gets near is sucked into the vortex of their debate. They talk about fate vs. free will or nature vs. nurture and it becomes an impassioned argument that has half the party rolling their eyes. Which are you: The ones in the debate or the ones shaking their heads? If you’re one of these four zodiac signs, you’re most likely to get into a philosophical argument at the party. Are you on the list?


Honestly, the debate could be about anything. As soon as you hear a snippet of a heated discussion, you float away from whatever you were doing at the party (petting the dog?) and enter the debate whether you were invited or not. It could be a classic philosophical argument or just a discussion of what everyone’s favorite childhood snacks were–you’re just happy to give your opinion. And, since this is the highlight of your personality, anyone who knows you will expect you to join the argument sooner or later. It’d be weird if you didn’t.


While you do like to debate, you get bored easily if the conversation seems pointless. Discussing the merits of your favorite bands or movies just doesn’t hit the same as a deep, philosophical debate. You’re not in it to “win,” though. It’s mostly about the actual act of debating, and it’s way more fun than just sitting and drinking at the party. If the philosophical debate can keep your boredom at bay, then you’re here for it. (And you might actually stay at the party for longer than an hour before ghosting.)


You know deep down that there’s no way to “win” a philosophical debate–that’s the whole point–but that doesn’t stop you from trying to convince everyone at the party that your take is the right one. You get so heated and, if you’re not careful, you’ll start to interrupt people just to make your point. It might alienate people who haven’t figured out your energy yet, but the ones who are your biggest fans will just watch in wonder as you show just how passionate you are.


Anyone who’s had a debate with you knows it’s basically impossible to win. Not only are you super serious about any argument you get into, philosophical or not, but you also come in with so much knowledge that you eviscerate anyone you come into contact with based purely on knowing more than they do. Does it mean that you’re the super intense one at the party? Sure, but that can be fun, too.