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4 Zodiacs Who Are Questioning Their Worth This August

This August has been rough on a lot of people. Some signs have been having trouble making it through the day, let alone the rest of the month. Here are a few zodiacs who have been questioning their worth this August:


Cancer, you rely on outside validation far too much. If you aren’t currently in a relationship or are feeling neglected by your partner, then you’ll start questioning your worth. You’ll start wondering whether you’re contributing enough to this world and whether you are lovable at all. But you can’t allow others to determine how you feel about yourself. You can’t give them that type of power over you. You have worth, whether you are in a relationship or not. Whether you are currently getting attention from your partner or not. You don’t need others to compliment you. You need to start complimenting yourself. You need to start seeing how valuable you really are.


Gemini, everyone looks at you like a confident badass who has their shit together – but that’s not the way you’ve been feeling at all lately. These last few weeks, you have seriously been questioning your worth. You have been feeling pretty terrible about yourself. Since you feel like you have the rest of the world fooled and no one sees how much you’re suffering, it’s made you feel extra alone. But you have so many people around you who care about you. It’s okay to show them the real you. It’s okay to shatter their illusion that you’re unbreakable and admit that you need a shoulder to lean on. Don’t keep these emotions bottled. Let them loose. Let the truth free. Your mental health matters so much more than your reputation ever will.


Aquarius, you usually don’t need approval from others in order to feel good about yourself, but lately, you wish you had more support. You wish you had more people in your corner, checking in on you and asking whether you needed help. It’s exhausting walking through this world alone. Especially when little things keep going wrong. Lately, you’ve been questioning your worth and your meaning. You’ve been wondering whether you’re following the right path. You’ve been losing confidence in yourself, but you need to remember that you’ve come this far. You’re doing so much better than you’ve been telling yourself.


Sagittarius, you have been feeling down in the dumps lately, and you’re having a hard time breaking yourself out of this mindset. You’re struggling to get excited again because you’ve been stuck in a dangerous spiral of thoughts. You’ve been feeling pretty darn worthless – but your darkest thoughts are not true. You matter. You are important. And you have so much potential. Even if you haven’t reached your destination yet, you’re getting there. You’re going to find your way someday. But you can’t give up on yourself. You can’t keep calling yourself worthless. You need to recognize your value. You need to ignore your doubts and focus on the. Positives for a while. Restore that confidence.