4 Zodiacs Who Are Territorial With Their Partner

4 Zodiacs Who Are Territorial With Their Partner

Some zodiacs trust their partners enough to let them do whatever they please. They aren’t going to worry about others flirting with their person because they know nothing is going to come of the situation. However, other zodiacs aren’t going to be thrilled if you get too close to their partner, or worse, if you start openly flirting with their partner. Here are the zodiacs who can get territorial with their partner:


You have a quick temper, so you can get pretty territorial when it comes to your partner. After all, when you spot someone else getting too close to them, it feels disrespectful to you, and you don’t handle disrespect well. In the moment, you are going to be all fired up and might say some things that can’t take back. You might lash out and make your feelings known. However, if you truly trust your partner, then you will give them the benefit of the doubt. You will trust them not to betray you. It won’t matter whether anyone else flirts with them, because the right person is never going to take the bait. They are never going to hurt you.


You can get pretty territorial with your partner because you have lingering trust issues. You have been hurt before and aren’t interested in letting history repeat itself. When you notice others flirting with your partner, your protective instincts kick in. You want to remove them from the situation as quickly as possible in order to stop any potential heartbreak. However, at the end of the day, you know you should trust your partner to do the right thing on your own. Besides, the way they react to the situation tells you a lot about them. It tells you whether you can trust them or whether you’re better off without them in your world.  


You can get territorial with your partner because you are all about loyalty. You would never dream of cheating on your partner, and you want assurance that your partner feels the same. You want to know that you’re the only one they’re interested in dating. If there’s ever an opportunity for them to cheat–even if they don’t take it–it bothers you because it reminds you that there’s always a chance they could betray you. There’s always a chance you could get hurt. But love is about taking risks. You never know whether the relationship will crash and burn, or whether it will last a lifetime. You just have to trust you picked the right person. You have to trust they wouldn’t do you wrong.   


You can get territorial when it comes to your partner because you feel like it’s your duty to protect them. You don’t want anyone with sketchy intentions to go near them, which is why you get so upset whenever you catch someone hitting on them. However, at the end of the day, you know your person can make their own decisions. They can protect themselves. So unless they’re coming to you, asking for you to handle a situation, you need to give them the space to handle it on their own.