4 Zodiacs Who Are Too Hard On Themselves After Breakups
Megan Ruth

4 Zodiacs Who Are Too Hard On Themselves After Breakups

Breakups are never easy to endure. But you don’t need to tear yourself apart in the process. You don’t need to blame yourself for a relationship falling apart when the truth is, some people simply aren’t meant to be together. Here are the zodiacs who are way too hard on themselves after breakups and need to give themselves some more kindness:


Cancer, you give other people too much credit while not giving yourself nearly enough. You always assume that you’re the problem whenever anything goes wrong in your work life or personal life, even if it had nothing to do with you at all. While it’s wonderful that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions, you need to remember you can’t control the actions of others. It’s not your fault if they choose to hurt you. That mistake is on them. Not on you. Remember, you don’t deserve all the horrible things that happen to you. You are way too hard on yourself during breakups and feel like you must have done something that ruined the relationship, but really, you did all that you could. You need to stop blaming yourself. 


Libra, you think so highly of other people that you have trouble blaming them when the relationship ends. Most of the time, this means you end up blaming yourself instead. You end up assuming that you could have done more, that you could have tried harder or loved harder. Although you are always the first person to forgive others for their mistakes, you struggle to forgive yourself for your own mistakes. Moving forward, you need to start treating yourself with the respect and kindness you always give to your loved ones, your exes, and strangers on the street. You don’t deserve cruelty, from yourself or anyone else.


Scorpio, you have trouble looking on the bright side even when you’re in a good mood, so breakups are always a rough time for you. You end up replaying all the things that you’ve done wrong throughout the course of the relationship. Then you replay what your partner has done wrong and wonder why they felt comfortable treating you like that. What did you ever do to them? Why weren’t you enough? Questions like this keep you up at night, but you are being way too hard on yourself. You didn’t do anything to deserve such horrible treatment. You deserve love. You deserve to feel heard and valued.


Pisces, you aren’t afraid to admit when you messed up. However, you aren’t always the one to blame. You are way too hard on yourself after breakups because you assume everything that went wrong is your fault — but it takes two people to make a relationship last. You might feel like you could have done more to salvage the relationship, like you didn’t give this person enough, but you tried your best. You can’t keep picking yourself apart. The truth is, you didn’t do anything wrong. The relationship was simply wrong. This person was wrong. But the right one is still out there, waiting.