Ozan Çulha

4 Zodiacs Who Benefit The Most From A No Contact Period

No contact is a period of time in which a relationship resorts to a season of no texting, no face-face, no checking in on social media. Gaining traction in mainstream culture, this process differs from ghosting in that it is compassionate, conscious, clearly communicated, and mutually understood. What leads up to a period of no contact differs greatly from relationship to relationship, and it can be used after a breakup, when deciding how to handle the future of a relationship/situationship, or prior to escalating commitment. Although most notably used in romantic relationships, it can be used in a wider scope of connections as well. What happens after a period of no contact varies just as much as the intention going into it. This is a time to get back in touch with yourself, heal personal boundaries, and re-establish the importance of your own needs, values, and self-worth.


Assertive and driven, Aries, a period of no contact allows you time and space to quite literally lose your cool. It’s important you communicate your desire for going no contact clearly and explicitly, as you have a tendency to become combative or flighty when feeling escalated. Learning whether discomfort is stemming from internal factors or triggered directly by your relationships with others is important to your personal growth. This awareness is aided by time and space.


Relationships are a deep value of yours, Taurus. For you, going no contact is less about re-evaluating the status of a relationship and more about re-prioritizing connection to self. Although it can be hard for you to ask for alone time, it may be necessary in re-establishing a healthy relationship to self. It’s important to note not everyone will stick around after a period of no contact, but you may need time and space to see your worth and value. Your dependable nature makes you an incredible partner and friend, and only from knowing where intentions are coming from, can you show up fully.


Born to shine, Leo, a period of no contact is likely painful for you, but ultimately in service of your greater growth. You have a deep desire for loyalty, family-building, and making others proud. If self-worth is not rooted from your core nature, your tendency is to jump between patterns of seeking external validation and retreating to lick wounds in silence. Both ironically leave you dependent on other people. It’s of the utmost importance you learn to see yourself. Upholding a no contact period will challenge you to re-calibrate the scales.


Dreamy and gentle Pisces, no contact allows you to decipher what it is you genuinely want and need from a relationship. Dreaming is one of your favorite qualities, and this skill is important to foster intentionally. You must learn to balance reality with visualizing ideals and intentions. You’re often hyper-aware of the energy around you, and this can lead to emotional or psychic burnout. Emotional clarity is the largest gift a no contact period brings you.