4 Zodiacs Who Can Actually Handle Long Distance Relationships
Mateus Campos Felipe

4 Zodiacs Who Can Actually Handle Long-Distance Relationships

Some zodiacs have trouble with long-distance relationships because they want to feel their partner in the flesh. They want to spend every waking moment together and make new memories in person. Other zodiacs are more open to the idea of long-distance. They can handle the pressure, the uncertainty, the stress. Here are a few zodiacs who have what it takes to handle a long-distance love:


This sign is loyal, adaptable, and self-sufficient. Since they are okay with being on their own, long-distance won’t be too brutal for them. They will be able to keep themselves occupied when their partner is away. And since they are flexible, they are able to go with the flow. If their partner has the chance to visit, they will be able to rearrange their schedule so they can see each other. And if their partner needs to talk in the middle of the night, they will make it work, too. They’ll do whatever it takes to keep the relationship strong, even from thousands of miles away.


Capricorns aren’t afraid of hard work. Even though long-distance relationships are never easy, they are willing to put in the effort for the right person. After all, it’s rare for a Capricorn to find someone who checks all their boxes. Most people, they could live without – so when they find someone worth the trouble, they will do anything to keep them around. Plus, Capricorns are already homebodies, so they won’t feel the need to go out partying or sit at bars without their partner. They will be completely content staying home and enjoying their alone time until they’re able to reunite with their partner. Space is important to them in a relationship, so as long as the long-distance doesn’t last forever, they will be able to handle it with class.


Virgos are obsessed with their careers. They spend a lot of time chasing after their dreams, so they don’t have too much time to set aside for their relationship anyway. Long-distance might work out for them (at least for a little while) because it will be easier to balance their career with their love life. They will be able to set aside time to talk to their partner, but they won’t have to spend a whole day on long dates with their partner. Plus, Virgos are incredibly loyal. Once they commit to someone, they would never dream of hurting them, so their partner won’t have to worry about what’s going on while they’re away. A Virgo would do anything for the person they love – even if that means talking over a computer screen for a few months.


Taurus need a long time to adjust to lifestyle changes, so long-distance might actually be a plus for them in the beginning. They won’t be able to move too quickly with their partner since there is so much distance between them. They will have plenty of time and space, so they won’t feel overwhelmed at the start of the relationship. They can gradually get to know this person and become close friends with them before they take the next step in the relationship. Taurus never want to feel pressured into moving fast and stepping into the unknown earlier than they’re ready, so long distance can give them the chance to get used to this person as a partner. It gives them plenty of time to adjust to the change from single to committed.