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4 Zodiacs Who Can Make Anything Happen This Week (July 24 – 30)

We all have the power to make our dreams come true, but there are a few zodiacs who are really feeling it this week. If you’re one of the following four zodiac signs, you have the power to make anything happen this week. Hopefully you’ll use those powers for good.


You’re a really bold person, which means you’re often making things happen without even trying. Unlike some of the others on this list, you’re just as likely to manifest negative energy as positive. This week, make sure that you’re leading with positive energy so you can use your power for good, happy things. What’s positive for you? That’s for you to decide. Maybe it’s an epic barbecue in your backyard or asking out the guy that’s been giving you eyes every time you go to your favorite coffee shop. Now’s the time to make it happen.


When it comes to your manifestation powers, this week, it’s interpersonal. Your social life is always one of your favorite things, so do what you can to make it even better. Throw an epic themed party, help a friend who’s struggling, do some matchmaking for your favorite people. It’s so true when they say that making the people around you happy will make you happy, too. And your inner circle, the found family you’ve chosen to keep around you, are incredibly worthy of that happiness. (As are you.)


Honestly, you barely even need to try when it comes to manifesting great things for yourself. It’s just kind of your default to go for the things you want in life, but even you have roadblocks every now and then. Maybe there’s a little dream you have that you feel self-conscious even starting. It might feel too big or not something you would normally do, so you’ve been stalling. This week is your time to finally start making it happen. After all, you only get one life. You might as well make this one as amazing as possible.


You’re royalty when it comes to getting things done–at least when they’re things you’re passionate about. Whether it’s work or your favorite hobby, you’re always going for it. But what about the things you’re less excited about? It could be annoying chores or some social task you’ve been avoiding. This week, do what you can to make them happen. Sure, they might get you out of your comfort zone, but there’s nothing wrong with that!