4 Zodiacs Who Can’t Give Up On Advocating For Themselves This Week
Pisces needs to realize that being soft-spoken doesn’t prohibit them from speaking up or communicating their own needs. It’s easy to feel like your inside voice is drowned out by a handful of loud-mouths who dominate the audio of the entire room, but you cannot give up on yourself, especially not in this moment. Your ideas have value. Your needs are valid and important. Your feelings are authentic and deserve recognition. Don’t give in to the part of you that feels like your only options are to adopt their methods of communicating or give up completely. Stick to your script, to your values, and the way you believe in moving through this world. You will find the place where it is honored, accepted, and effective.
Keep raising your hand, Aries. No matter how obnoxious, annoying, or embarrassing it may feel. It is absolutely terrifying, that fear of rejection, the vulnerability of asking someone else to pick you. But the only way they can do so, is if they know you’re interested in participating in the first place. What’s meant for you will come to you. You will make your way into the space you fit into, the same way water flows into the shape of the land or a given container. No one can advocate for you the way you can. No one can detail your talents or illustrate your ambitions or summarize the passion you have for life. You have so much to contribute to this world. Don’t be afraid to advertise it.
You never bat an eyelash when it comes to advocating for others, so why do you get so shy and embarrassed when it comes to doing the same for yourself, Aquarius? We can’t do everything on our own. We need help. We need resources. We need opportunities. You are so great at grassroots collaboration and community building, all you need to do is lean on that network the same way they lean on you. The relationships you’ve built are a two way street, and it’s okay to speak up and ask for the things you want. You will be shocked to see just how many people are willing to help or get involved, how many people actually want to see you succeed. Just trust in the process.
Your biggest problem is assuming that someone else deserves everything you want more than you do, Cancer, but life doesn’t work that way. Not everything is a competition, not all of your successes represent someone else’s failure. You can thrive without ripping anything out of anyone’s hands. So put yourself out there, sign up, volunteer, request, demand, advocate on your own behalf. You are deserving of everything life has to offer you. Reach your hand out and pluck the fruit of your own labors from the tree of life. There is enough to go around for everyone, and your generous spirit is a testament to that. You can trust that you will never let greed or stinginess guide you on your life path.