4 Zodiacs Who Can’t Stop Thinking About Their Secret Crush (But Won’t Make A Move)
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4 Zodiacs Who Can’t Stop Thinking About Their Crush (But Won’t Make A Move)

Some zodiacs aren’t going to wear their hearts on their sleeves. They aren’t going to come out and admit when they have a crush on someone. They are going to stuff their feelings away, even though that means they might miss out on a chance with their dream person. Here are the zodiacs who can’t stop thinking about their secret crush, but still won’t make a move:


Virgos rarely speak up about their crushes, unless they trust you with their life. They don’t want their secret getting told to the wrong person, so they keep their feelings under lock and key. Since they might not even let their friends know about their crush, they definitely aren’t going to let their crush know how much they care because they are terrified of getting rejected. They would much rather wait for their crush to make the first move, so they can simply reciprocate. However, since they aren’t vocal about their feelings, their crush might never get the green light to ask them out. They might be worried about rejection too, and a relationship will never happen.


Scorpios are always expecting the worst, which is why they won’t make a move until they’re absolutely positive their crush feels the same way. They might even end up avoiding their crush completely because they don’t want to deal with their messy feelings when they know there’s a chance they could get their heart broken. Although they won’t want to make the first move, that won’t stop them from daydreaming about it. They will run a million scenarios through their heads, trying to imagine what would happen if they ended up with this person, if they had a happily ever after. But they will rarely turn this daydream into a reality.


Sagittarius are daydreamers. They will have a hard time focusing when they’re crushing on someone because that person will take up every inch of their mind. However, they won’t let it show on the outside. They won’t let anyone know how they’re feeling, and they won’t make a move to ask out this person. They are terrified of ruining a friendship, of embarrassing themselves, of making the other person uncomfortable. So they keep their feelings to themselves. They rarely come out and admit to their crush because they don’t want to complicate their relationship with this person. They don’t want to end up getting their heart broken.


Aquarius might tell themselves that they aren’t asking out their crush because they’re too busy, because they don’t have enough time to devote to a partner. However, they will spend plenty of time daydreaming about this person. Once they fall for someone, it’s hard to get that face out of their mind. It’s hard to concentrate on the task in front of them because their thoughts are always drifting back to that one special person. But they won’t let that person know how special they are. They will pretend not to care, pretend they aren’t crushing on anyone at all.