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4 Zodiacs Who Feel Lost But Will Find Their Way This June


You feel lost, Virgo, whenever you don’t have the answer to something immediately. You can’t handle the incongruence with the role you portray to the outside world. The one who has it all together. The one who always has a plan. The one who is never stumped by anyone or anything. You fail to see that the best things about you have taken time. You are self-sufficient because you learned to take care of yourself. You are resilient because you have spent time struggling. You are determined because you have seen long-term effort pay off. So just remember those times this month. Remember how you have to take in the world around you before you can form your own plans and ideas. How you have to be quiet before you have something original to say. Brainstorming and learning is not the same thing as idleness. Give yourself permission to mull things over before springing into action.


You’ve been missing something, Libra, but you can’t put your finger on exactly what it is. This absence seems to be throwing everything else in your life out of whack, and you are so frustrated that you can’t just fix it. So you run through a checklist of all the things it could or should be. You get more sleep. You read a book. You try to eat healthily. You spend time with friends. You get up and move around. You buy yourself a treat. But nothing seems to do the trick. This month you will stop focusing so much on how you’re supposed to feel, and how you do feel. You’re going to listen to yourself and figure out if this is growing pains, or something else. Maybe you’ve been forcing yourself through motions that aren’t meant for you. We all have to take care of ourselves, but it doesn’t have to be such a chore. Let yourself have some fun.


You want to be good at everything, Sagittarius, and you want to enjoy doing it at the same time. But rarely in life are the rules set up in a way for everything to overlap in that way. You are lost because you can’t tell the difference between putting in the work, and needlessly suffering, so you get caught up in your own analysis paralysis. There are times when your all-or-nothing attitude propels you toward success and others where it’s a roadblock. This month you’ll learn to balance the things you are good at and enjoy with those you struggle with or see as a royal pain. You will learn to manage your time in a way that makes room for it all. The highs and lows will start to mellow out into a healthy medium you can find stability. Having a bigger picture to zoom out on and focus on will allow you to put different areas of your life into perspective.


You feel lost, Aquarius, because a member of your support system is missing in action. You feel things have been one-sided lately, and find yourself emotionally drained by all of the giving you’ve been doing. It is hard to make that pivot away from someone who you have previously looked to for encouragement and validation, but when the reciprocation ends, you have to care for yourself. You will find your way this month when you are able to make peace with the memory of how this relationship used to be, versus the reality of it in the present. Part of accepting change is being able to see the past and present side by side. The fact that someone isn’t there for you now doesn’t mean they were always a bad friend, just like being a long-time friend doesn’t mean you’re not seeing red flags in the present. We can resist accepting the inconsistency, but it doesn’t make for a balanced equation.