4 Zodiacs Who Feel Useless When They’re Not Working
Jodie Cook

4 Zodiacs Who Feel Useless When They’re Not Working

Some zodiacs love to treat themselves to vacations and days off. They know they enjoy getting in some rest and relaxation, so they don’t hesitate to take it. However, there are other zodiacs who have trouble letting themselves unwind. They want to be working twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Here are a few zodiacs who never stop hustling because when they do, they feel worthless:


Capricorn, you base your value on your productivity. You feel useless on your lazy, laidback days – but that shouldn’t be the case. You have value as a person, whether or not you’re contributing something to society, whether or not you’re crossing items off your to-do list, whether or not you’re taking steps toward your goals. It’s great that you’re such a hard worker and take your big dreams seriously, but you shouldn’t push yourself to your breaking point. You shouldn’t forget the value in your rest – because unwinding is productive too. It’s not a waste of time. It’s a good way to spend it.


Virgo, you are hard on yourself because you are a perfectionist. You don’t want to disappoint yourself, so you’re constantly hustling. You rarely give yourself a break because you feel like you don’t deserve it. But you shouldn’t have to earn rest. You are allowed to rest. You are allowed to recharge. You are allowed to spend a day having fun without worrying about the million things you need to cross off your schedule. It’s okay to do nothing for a while. You might feel uncomfortable at first, but you can train yourself to be more relaxed with the idea of relaxation.


Aries, you get restless easily. When you have nothing on your schedule, you start to panic because you don’t want to be left alone with your own thoughts. Plus, you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to do something with your life. You’re constantly working toward a goal that you’re passionate about – which is great. However, you don’t want to focus so hard on your dreams that you forget about everything else in your world that matters. Some days, you should take a break and hang out with your loved ones. Just enjoy existing. It’s okay if you get nothing done for a while. It doesn’t make the day a waste. It doesn’t make you a waste. You matter, whether you reach those goals or not.


Leo, you don’t like to sit still for long because you want to make something of yourself. You want to accomplish great things, and you know that won’t happen if you’re too easy on yourself. However, it won’t happen if you’re too hard on yourself either. It’s not healthy to keep going and going without sleep. You need to take care of our mind and body. And that starts by accepting that some days are going to be less productive than others. Even though the only person you compare yourself to is yourself, that’s not always a great idea either. On different days, you’ll be capable of different levels of productivity. You can’t hate yourself for the days when you can’t manage much. You still have value, no matter what your gut is telling you.