4 Zodiacs Who Grow Distant When They’re About To Break Up With You

4 Zodiacs Who Grow Distant When They’re About To Break Up With You

Some zodiacs are going to rip off the bandaid right away and break up with you as soon as they decide it’s what’s best. But other signs are going to grow distant first. They’re going to slowly start to text you less and be busy more. Here are a few zodiacs who will get super distant before breaking up with you:


Geminis always have a fun story to tell or an adventure to take you on, so if they’ve suddenly stopped texting you without a reason, they might be considering a breakup. They are the type of sign who has trouble sticking to a decision, so they won’t want to break up with you on a whim and regret it later. They’re going to think it over first, and while they do, they might start to distance themselves to see what living life without you will feel like. They aren’t intentionally trying to hurt you or push you into breaking up with them, but that doesn’t change the fact that this type of behavior is hard to handle when you’re on the receiving end of it. 


Pisces won’t want to break your heart because they care deeply about your feelings. Even if they don’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore, they will try to handle the situation as delicately as possible. However, even though telling you the truth is actually the kindest thing they could do, they might wrongly assume that distancing themselves will hurt less. They hope this will help you get used to living without them, that you will realize that you don’t actually need them around in order to be happy. Of course, this method can cause you to have a million questions about what you did wrong. It can unintentionally make the breakup even more heartbreaking than it would have been otherwise.


Libras cannot stand confrontation. The thought of breaking up with someone makes them sick to their stomach because they want to spread happiness, not sadness. Since Libras see the best in others, they might spend a while trying to convince themselves that staying is the right move. But eventually, they will realize when they’re with the wrong person. They will know what’s best for them, but acting on what’s best for them is a totally different story. This sign might start to distance themselves because they would rather have you decide that a breakup is best so they can consider it a mutual decision. So that they don’t brutally break your heart.


Cancers want to spend as much time with their partner as possible, so if they’re suddenly giving you strange excuses about why they’re too busy to hang out and ignoring your messages while answering everyone else, something is wrong. This sign has trouble saying goodbye after growing attached, so they might distance themselves to make the situation easier on their heart. They might be testing the waters to see whether they feel better without you around or worse. Even though they know it’s better to be straightforward, they are such an emotional sign that they aren’t sure whether they can handle looking you in your eyes and breaking your heart. They need time to work up the courage.