4 Birth Months Who Handle Getting Turned Down Gracefully
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4 Zodiacs Who Handle Getting Turned Down Gracefully

Some zodiacs are crushed whenever they get turned down by the person they’re interested in dating (or kissing). But other zodiacs are able to face rejection without getting angry or upset. Here are the zodiacs who handle getting turned down gracefully:


Aries would rather shoot their shot and miss than never find out whether the other person feels the same way about them. They are all about living in the moment, so they aren’t going to regret the fact that they expressed their feelings and got turned down. In fact, they will appreciate that this person didn’t waste their time by leading them on and sending mixed signals. At least, now that they know how the other person feels, they will be able to move on. Although this sign might have a reputation for being quick to anger, getting rejected doesn’t really get them angry. They’ll be upset, sure, but they’ll get over it. They’ll find someone new who actually deserves them. 


Libras are never going to let you see them sweat. They are going to remain kind and gracious, no matter how much pain they’re feeling inside. They aren’t going to hold the fact that you turned them down against you. They are going to respect your feelings and appreciate that you were upfront with them instead of leading them on. They are going to continue treating you with the same generosity that they showed you before they knew you didn’t feel the same way because they aren’t the type to hold grudges. They aren’t going to be bitter about the fact that you don’t want them too. They are going to accept that you aren’t meant to be together. Yes, there might be some tears shed along the way, but overall a Libra will handle their rejection with grace.


Geminis are one of the most flexible signs in the zodiac. They can smoothly adapt to any situation that’s thrown at them, so dealing with rejection isn’t that big of a deal. At least, that’s how they’ll make it look on the surface. Even if they go home and cry themselves to sleep that night, you would never guess it. In public, they will act like it’s completely fine you’ve turned them down. They won’t have a bad word to say about you to their friends. They will remain mature and graceful, even when whatever happened was awkward and embarrassing. Although rejection stings for them, just like anybody else, they are going to handle it with their head held high. After all, it happens to everyone.


When you turn down a Sagittarius, they will make jokes about it. They will turn it into a funny story that they tell their friends, and they will make sure you don’t feel bad about hurting them in the moment. This sign is lighthearted and sees the best in others, so they will understand you weren’t trying to cause them pain. They are going to bounce back from rejection pretty quickly because they will be proud of themselves for putting themselves out there. They will consider themselves brave for trying, even though there was a chance they could get hurt in the end. Not many people are courageous enough to take that risk.