4 Zodiacs Who Have A Life Change Coming Sooner Than They Realize
You always think your dreams live somewhere far, far off in the distance, Scorpio, but you’re about to walk smack dab right into one without even realizing it. Dreams aren’t just things we think about to pass the time or escape the harsh realities of our current struggles. They are something to work towards, to chip away at, day after day, giving us a reason to get up in the morning, and a reason to feel tired when we close our eyes at night. Sometimes, all a major change needs is for us to make up our minds that it will be so. Reading a book a month, exercising regularly, putting yourself out there to make new friends all begin with a decision. What one will you make once you realize the power is within your hands?
You can grasp onto your laurels as tightly as you want, Virgo, but every success you encounter is only a temporary high. Your latest achievement was the result of months if not years of effort, and it’s only natural you would want to cling to this personal high as long as possible, but once the party is over, you’ll have to tackle your next endeavor, and the shock will likely be turbulent. It’s easy at the top to forget how overwhelming the first days at the bottom can be, what it feels like to not know where to start, but remember these life changes are part of a cycle that is driving your personal growth, that is keeping life exciting and worth living. Embrace the transformation.
Sometimes the things we take for granted, Capricorn, the things we become so used to they’re practically second nature, are the things that change on a dime. The coworkers we never doubted seeing every day. The neighbors we greet in the hallway. The technology we use to live our everyday lives. But some new development is about to send your routine through a complete transformation, and you won’t be able to avoid the disorientation that follows as you figure out where you fit in this brand new reality. Do not lose hope, Capricorn, adjustments are naturally full of inertia. You can’t get into outer space if you can’t make it through the rocket launch. Once you’re finally floating gently in zero-g you’ll realize it was all worth it.
The signs are there, Libra, you’ve just chosen to ignore them. You think if you avoid change at all costs, no one else around you will either. But the absence of choice is a choice itself, and the longer you try to cling to the status quo, the sooner it will slip through your fingers. The time has come to face this new direction life is taking you in, even though it’s arrived sooner than you were willing to plan for. Being unprepared doesn’t mean you’re not in a position to tackle this head on. You just need to scramble your resources together and kick it into gear. You’ve been waiting on the sidelines, but your time has come. You can still choose to play.