4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Crying A Lot This November
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4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Crying A Lot This November

The holidays aren’t always a positive time for people. Sometimes, they can make the world feel a lot more stressful. Sometimes they can put a massive amount of pressure on you. And sometimes your pain has nothing to do with the holidays at all — but problems don’t stop just because of the season. Here are some zodiacs who have done a lot of crying this November (or who should let themselves cry soon because they really need to):


Aries, when it comes to negative emotions, you’re more comfortable with anger. You usually take out your pain by cursing and screaming, by going on rants about how unfair things are and sending long text threads to your friends. But this month has been extra hard. You’ve been crying way more than usual because you have too many emotions and nowhere to store them. Even though crying feels icky for you and you want it to stop, you need to remember that this release is important. This release will help you heal. It will help you cope with what you’re going through and come out the other side.


Libra, there’s always something to be thankful about, so you try your hardest to look on the bright side. However, there are moments when the world becomes too much and you can’t take the pain anymore. Although you usually try to push aside your sad emotions, you shouldn’t feel guilty over being upset. You’re allowed to cry. You can have good things in your world and still be upset about the bad things. You aren’t obligated to be smiling and happy all the time. It’s not healthy to have one emotion and one emotion only. It’s good that you’ve been letting out the tears instead of pretending to be perfectly fine. It’s good that you’re being honest with yourself.


Pisces, you are always shedding tears for other people, but it’s rare for you to shed them for yourself. For your own losses and problems and pain. But this month, you’ve been focused on yourself an unusual amount. You’ve been having a hard time worrying about others because you’ve been so caught up in your own issues — and that’s okay. You’re allowed to be a little selfish. You’re allowed to worry about you for a while. You’re always reaching out to help others, and that can take a toll on you. It can be emotionally exhausting. It’s good to focus on yourself for a little while, especially as this year is winding down.


Leo, you’re a nostalgic sign in general, and when this time of year comes around it’s hard not to reflect on everything that’s changed over the course of your life. You’ve been shedding a lot of tears over things that have been happening recently and things that have happened in the past. Sometimes, it feels like you’ve never moved on from past hurts, but you have healed more than you realize. You are doing better than you think. Remember, crying doesn’t have to be a negative. It can be relieving.