4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Feeling Down About Themselves This October
Natalie Allen

4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Feeling Down About Themselves This October

It doesn’t matter how much you grow to love yourself and respect yourself. Every once in a while, you’re still going to have days when your self-doubt gets the best of you, when you feel like you aren’t reaching your potential and keep disappointing yourself. And that’s okay. That’s a normal stage to go through. Here are the zodiacs who have been feeling down about themselves this week but are going to break out of their funk eventually:


You have been feeling down about yourself because you haven’t managed to reach your own expectations – but you need to remember that you’ve been doing the best that you can. Even though that might feel discouraging since it means your best isn’t good enough, you should be proud of the fact that you’re willing to put in so much time and effort. There are people out there who don’t have the courage or determination to try, but you are working your hardest every single day. Whether you get rewarded for that in the near future or not, you should give yourself a pat on the back. You might not be where you want to be yet, but you are doing a damn great job along the way.


You have been feeling down about yourself because you are searching for validation from others, and when you aren’t receiving it, you assume that you’re doing something wrong. But you shouldn’t need other people to vocalize how great you’re doing for you to recognize this yourself. While it’s natural to crave attention and adoration from others, you need to remember that they don’t determine your worth. You determine your own worth. Even if no one else sees what a wonderful job you’re doing, you know how hard you’ve been fighting. You know how much effort you’ve been putting in every single day. Others might not give you credit, but don’t discredit yourself. 


You have been feeling down about yourself this week, but you aren’t going to feel this way forever. The feeling is fleeting. It will go away eventually. In the meantime, you need to try to focus on your strengths, on how much you bring to the table. Even though it’s tempting to dwell on your flaws and replay every little mistake you have made while you’re trying to fall asleep at night, challenge yourself to talk to yourself in a more positive way. Compliment yourself more than you criticize yourself. Be your own best friend, not your own biggest enemy, because you deserve kindness and respect from everyone – especially the person in the mirror.


You have been feeling down about yourself because every day has been a struggle while the people around you are (seemingly) thriving. But you can’t compare your journey to theirs, especially when you don’t know their full story. They are probably suffering in ways that you are never going to hear about, so don’t assume that everyone else has it easier than you do. Don’t assume that you are alone in feeling this way. Other people might hide it better, but they aren’t cruising along like you think. The grass isn’t that much greener on the other side, so try to avoid comparisons. Try to focus on the path ahead of you, not to the sides of you.