4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Feeling Hopeless This November
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Feeling Hopeless This November

You’re not the only one who has been feeling a little down lately. It’s normal to feel your emotions crash toward the end of the year when everyone is celebrating their accomplishments and planning out what they hope to achieve in the new year. Don’t feel bad if you’re struggling to keep a positive mindset because you aren’t alone. Here are a few zodiacs who have been feeling hopeless this November:


It’s hard to keep your motivation high when you feel like your hard work hasn’t been paying off. Even though you’re an incredibly hard worker who isn’t afraid to put in hours and hours of effort, it’s discouraging when you aren’t seeing success or even much improvement – especially when you keep seeing other people around you surpassing you. However, you need to remember that you aren’t in a race against them. You aren’t in a race at all. You’ll get there when you get there, but if you give up, then it’s never going to happen. Even when you feel hopeless, you need to summon up the energy to keep going.


You lean toward pessimism on a good day, so when things start going south, it’s hard for you to break out of your negative mindset. It’s hard for you to find hope when it feels like everything around you is falling apart. But you need to remember that there are good things in your world too. It’s important to be gracious for them – but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel your feelings. Cry when you need to cry. Vent when you need to vent. Release those emotions because bottling them up and pretending everything is fine will only hurt you worse. Be brave enough to be honest, at least with those you trust. At least with yourself.


Normally, you’re able to see the silver linings in every scenario, but honestly, you’re tired. You’re tired of being the happy-go-lucky person in your friend group. You’re tired of cheering everyone else and helping them cope with their problems. You’re tired of acting upbeat and bubbly when you’re suffering on the inside. And that’s okay. You don’t have to put on an act. You don’t have to be the strong one. Your support system should go both ways. They should support you too. You shouldn’t have to pretend around the people who love you, even if it is to save them trouble or give them peace of mind. They would rather hear your honest truth. Wouldn’t you want the same from them?


Aries, you usually pretend that nothing bothers you because (despite what you claim), you care deeply about what others think. You would never want to show the world how much you’ve been doubting yourself because that might lead them to doubt you. But you’re allowed to feel hopeless, and you’re allowed to let others know you’re feeling that way. Knowing that someone as strong as you has doubts could empower them. It could help them feel less alone. And it could help you feel less alone too.