4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Pretending To Be Fine This August
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4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Pretending To Be Fine This Week (August 9-16)

It’s not always easy to admit when you’re struggling. Sometimes, even when you have wonderful people around you who love and support you, you will still lock yourself in a room and cry behind closed doors. Here are the zodiacs who have been pretending to be fine this week, even though they have secretly been struggling to get through their days:


Leo, you have always found it hard to admit when you’re struggling since you’re such a competent person. Even though you are usually brutally honest and hate keeping secrets, you also hate admitting that you don’t have it all figured out. You want to be an inspiration to others. You want them to think of you as someone they can come to with their problems, not someone who is going to air their own problems. Although you want the world to see you in a certain way, you have to remember that even leaders need help sometimes. You aren’t weak for asking for help. You shouldn’t feel ashamed about needing someone to talk to. You’re only human. You’re going to go through periods like this, just like anyone else. And you don’t have to do it alone.


Sagittarius, you never want to bother anyone. You want to be the comic relief. The person who makes everyone laugh, not cry or worry. You’ve been keeping your problems to yourself to avoid stressing out your loved ones — but they would want to know how you’re doing. They would never want you to suffer in silence like you have been doing. You don’t owe anyone access to your thoughts, so you can keep them to yourself if that’s what you really want to do. But don’t shut others out because you’re worried about overwhelming them. If they care about you, they would rather have you be real with them. They don’t expect you to be the funny, laidback one all the time. You’re a complex human with complex emotions. There’s more than one side to you.


Aquarius, you have been pretending to be fine because you don’t want your emotions to get in the way of your productivity. You’ve been hoping that your problems would magically disappear if you ignored them for long enough, but that’s not the way the world works. Distracting yourself and pretending everything is fine will only get you so far. Eventually, you’re going to have to face your issues. You’re going to have to admit that something is wrong and figure out a solution. And although procrastinating might seem tempting, it could cause those problems to snowball. Most of the time, it’s better to deal with whatever is wrong right away, before it grows worse.


Capricorn, you never want to cause a fuss. You are a highly independent sign, so you feel like you can take care of yourself. You have tricked yourself into believing you don’t need anyone. But you are allowed to reach out when you’re struggling. You don’t have to push others away and lie about being fine. You can share your feelings. You can admit to what you’re going through. It won’t make your problems disappear, but it might make you feel better. Talking really can help. You shouldn’t discount the power of a conversation and a hug.