4 Zodiacs Who Just Want Some Peace And Quiet
Aquarius works with people on a daily basis, and it’s just so much social activity for someone who is always processing their emotions. They can’t handle these back to back interactions without any time to react to them in between. They want some time in a closed, private room with a cup of coffee and just their thoughts to keep them company. They long for a slower paced day, where they don’t feel rushed or anxious or unable to keep up with the energy around them. Especially if they are in any kind of healthcare, it’s just so much pressure to take on over an extended period of time. Some classical music, an essential oil diffuser, a little snack, would go a long way to help them catch their breath.
Libra needs to get out of the city. To a cabin in the woods, or a tent, or even a night out under the open sky. They need clean air and stars that aren’t overpowered by electric lights. They need to trade in the sounds of traffic for running water or wildlife. To let the sun be their alarm clock. They just need to get far enough away from everything to clear their mind and their heart. To reset on the daily grind and remember the dreams they’ve been meaning to chase instead. To ask themselves what it is that fills them up and what drains them. Sometimes we just need enough space to hear ourselves think clearly.
Cancer needs the comfort of their own bedroom to rest and recover from the wear and tear of their hectic schedule. They have been burning the midnight oil and rising at dawn for everything and everyone and now they’re completely spent. As guilty as they feel for closing the blinds and staying inside, it’s what their body and mind needs desperately. There’s always tomorrow to bounce back into the rhythm, but today is a much needed pause. Sleep in the middle of the day, meditate, contemplate, soak in the tub, whatever brings you the most inner peace. You’re going to need days like this if you expect to keep this exhaustive pace going. It’s time you incorporate them into the routine.
Pisces needs the cloistered solitude of an old library, and the spookier, the better. Stacks, cages, tomes that require gloved hands. Somewhere you could potentially get lost and no one would immediately come looking. That’s the getaway Pisces is in desperate need of. Everyone and everything has gotten to be too much. Too many expectations and opinions and demands that are keeping Pisces from their favorite pastime, the comfort of their own company and imagination. A rainy afternoon to hide away in a forgotten corner and dive into a meaty narrative is just what they need to level out their stress and anxiety. They will emerge refreshed, reinvigorated, and ready to face their social circle again. It’s all about finding that balance.