4 Zodiacs Who Keep Jumping To The Wrong Conclusions This Week (May 20 – 24)

We all like to think that weā€™re good at reading people. We want to understand everything perfectly so that we never have to go through the awkwardness of being wrong. Unfortunately, none of us can read situations correctly all the time. For the following four zodiac signs, youā€™ll be jumping to a lot of the wrong conclusions this week. It might be a bad idea to make any decisions based on these totally wrong opinions. Hereā€™s why:


You lead with your emotions. While it might feel like your emotions are a good barometer for reading social situations, thatā€™s not always the case. Insecurity, trauma, and your own wants and desires can create a bias there. That bias will cause you to jump to the wrong conclusions this week, but thereā€™s a good way to avoid that: Donā€™t assume that youā€™re correct about something. If youā€™re feeling a certain way about someone, like questioning their motives or how they feel about you, just ask. Easier said than done, I know, but itā€™s better than being so spectacularly wrong.


You overanalyze everything. Every interaction and you look for all the hidden meaning. If you like someone, each of their textsā€“or lack of texts, for that matterā€“get a 12-point inspection and a screenshot sent to your inner circle for analysis. Unfortunately, that means that youā€™ll read meaning into situations where there is none. And thatā€™s why youā€™ll be jumping to the wrong conclusions this week. Sometimes a ā€œhi, how are youā€ text is just the person saying ā€œhi, how are you.ā€ It doesnā€™t have to mean anything more than that.


You assume the worst. Youā€™ve been burned before, which means that youā€™ll read into every interaction, sure that the person has ulterior motives. And it doesnā€™t help that sometimes youā€™re right. Some people are terrible, and you use your successes in figuring that out as proof that youā€™re ā€œalways right.ā€ Babe, no. Youā€™re not. And especially not this week. Some people arenā€™t out to get youā€“they arenā€™t here to take advantage of you if youā€™re even a little bit vulnerable.


You think you know everything. Youā€™re very confident, which everyone loves about you. But that confidence sometimes means a bull-headed belief that whatever you perceive to be true is right and correct. Oh, how I wish that was how life worked. Truth is, you can be wrong just like everyone else. Sure, you might be right more often than others, but youā€™re not infallible. This week, youā€™ll learn all too well that you can be so wrong about someone. Hopefully that confidence wonā€™t be your undoing.