Khoa Võ

4 Zodiacs Who Lead Double Lives


Scorpio gets unfairly pegged as deceptive and manipulative. Blamed entirely for their ‘mysterious’ air, without the other parties taking accountability for their part in projecting their suppositions and desires onto their Scorpio in the first place. Nonetheless, Scorpio knows these expectations are constantly being placed on them, and they feel this inexplicable obligation to live up to them. To be as seductive, as interesting, as powerful, as confident and charismatic as everyone imagines them to be. So they do their best to reflect back to the world what the world wants most from them, people pleasing in the most extreme form until they build an alternate personality for themselves. And yet, the shy, quiet Scorpio, who just happens to be an attentive listener still exists under the surface. The Scorpio who really has their own interests and desires and personality, even though the world just treats them as a blank slate to be written upon. There are times it feels impossibly lonely, until someone is able to see past the mask and break through their shell.


Pisces is constantly grappling with regret to such a degree that it causes a fissure in their sense of self. There is the reality of their current situation, which they do their best to deal with and accept, but often feel the need to escape from through fantasy, daydreaming, and fiction, and then there are the other lives — all of the different paths through which alternate decisions would have taken them. If I had done this, or if I had done that, then my life would have turned out to be completely different. And in an Everything Everywhere All At Once manner, all these possibilities branch out, expanding infinitely into a structure representing the world’s largest head of broccoli. Instead of claiming ownership for the decisions made thus far, Pisces mourns the loss of all the possibilities they let fall by the wayside, the potential versions of themselves they feel they’ve let die in one way or another. Because Pisces has the mental breadth and depth to see the whole picture for what it is, they get swallowed up in its immensity. 


Virgo is, well, Virgo”, you may say, “So how can they be anything but themselves?” They are organized and opinionated (unabashedly so), meticulous and driven, observant and analytical (nothing gets past them), and so incredibly in touch with their own personality, the idea that there could be even the tiniest fraction of themselves they keep hidden from the world seems unthinkable. But the truth of the matter is there is a whisper, banished to the further corner of their brain that refuses to stay silent. A whisper that asks, “What if I didn’t iron the bedsheets?”, “What if I didn’t chime in with my political convictions on that social media post?”, “What if I didn’t tell my best friend what a terrible idea it was to get back with her ex?”. Does my constant intervention leave any real impact on the world? The confidence Virgo exhibits to the world is equalled by their own internal personal doubt that any of it actually matters. Their obstinate insistence to keep doing it anyway, with such undying dedication and consistency becomes their act of protest.


Aquarius is always doing “the right thing” in public. Supporting just causes, making ethical decisions, and giving their time and energy back to their communities. But what most people don’t realize is that on the inside, Aquarius is just dying to spend the day on their couch. To shirk off the mantle of responsibility and binge and entire series without showering or brushing their hair the entire day. They have to make a conscious effort not to retreat inside themselves and instead come face to face with the daunting tasks they have taken on for themselves. People think that Aquarius must be able to accomplish so much because they fear so little, but the truth is they are just as intimidated and overwhelmed by their own life as anyone else is. What keeps them going, day after day, is the tiniest spark that refuses to ever be put out, no matter the size of the storm they’re weathering. That one spark reignites their passion and commitment daily. It pulls them out of bed and pushes them out of the house and into the world that needs them.