4 Zodiacs Who Live In The Past
Collective World

4 Zodiacs Who Live In The Past

You should be living in the moment and enjoying every second that you’re given – but that’s not as simple as it sounds. Some zodiacs are experts at going with the flow and acting present, but other signs struggle with this concept much more. Here are a few zodiacs who struggle to move on from the past and are constantly dwelling on yesterday:


Mistakes and embarrassing moments from years ago are still plaguing you, especially late at night when you can’t fall asleep. You constantly give yourself a tough time over things that you should have moved on from forever ago – but it’s hard for you to let go. It’s hard to give yourself a break because you are an overthinker. Even though you would never judge someone else over the things they’ve done yesterday, you’re terrified that other people are judging you for the same type of things. Besides, you are a self-conscious sign, so it’s hard to work up the confidence to trust yourself not to make those same mistakes again. You’re so scared that history is going to repeat itself, that the past is not really gone.


You are a nostalgic sign. There were so many beautiful moments that occurred when you were younger that you cannot stop thinking about – and there are heartbreaks that you can’t get off your mind. Even though you might not want to forget about people who once played an important role in your life, you don’t want to romanticize the past either. You don’t want to yearn for a yesterday that you can never return to when there’s a beautiful tomorrow in front of you. You have so much potential, so don’t waste it by dwelling on everything you had yesterday. Focus on what you could gain in the future.


You have been hurt deeply in the past, and you still haven’t gotten over it. That’s why you close yourself off to new people. That’s why you’re so hesitant to let anyone new into your heart. Even though you want to focus on the present moment, your mind keeps taunting you with the past. You’ve felt stupid for trusting the wrong people before, and you never want to go through that type of pain and embarrassment again. You’re trying hard to protect your heart because you know what it’s like to have it broken. Instead of focusing on healing and making a better future for yourself, so much of your mind is still stuck on the past. There’s still so much bitterness over things that you cannot control. Things that are over now.


You try your best to learn from your mistakes, which is why you’re always comparing current situations to past situations. However, that type of thinking can backfire on you. It can make you doubt new people who enter your life, who have never done anything to hurt you. You need to remember, the person standing in front of you now isn’t the same person that hurt you in the past. You can’t assume that history is bound to repeat itself. You can’t keep living in fear because of your past.