4 Zodiacs Who Mistake The Bare Minimum For Love
Some zodiacs don’t recognize how much they deserve. They are constantly undervaluing themselves and accepting treatment that they shouldn’t be forced to deal with. These signs are deserving of so much more than they’ve been asking for, but they commonly end up in relationships where they aren’t satisfied because they are mistaking the bare minimum for love.
Cancer, you feel the most comfortable when you’re doing sweet things for others – so when anyone does even the smallest amount for you, you feel honored. You feel like they shouldn’t have gone out of their way in order to make you happy because you don’t deserve that type of treatment – but you do. In fact, you deserve so much more than you’ve been telling yourself. It’s common for Cancers to struggle with self-confidence issues and to build others up in their minds while looking at the negatives within themselves – but it doesn’t have to be that way. You need to remember that you are deserving of love. You are deserving of attention. You are deserving of so much more than the bare minimum.
Libra, you are so obsessed with the idea of finding love that you will overlook all of the red flags in the person you are dating. You will focus on the beauty in this other person because you want them to be your soulmate. You want to stop playing the field and settle down with someone who is capable of giving you everything you need. You mistake the bare minimum for love because you are so eager to skip to the next stage in the relationship. You don’t want to find reasons to end things. You want to find reasons to stay. But you need to be careful because you deserve someone who gives you everything you want, not only a few things, and not only when they choose.
Pisces, you might accidentally accept the bare minimum because you feel guilty asking for more. You feel like it’s not your place to make demands or even simple requests. You aren’t the pushy type, so you stay quiet when you are unhappy with the way you are being treated. You hope that your person will realize their mistakes on their own and modify their behavior – but that rarely happens. You need to be honest about your feelings or they are never going to guess what you’re thinking. Remember, in a healthy relationship, you should feel comfortable speaking freely. You should be transparent about your expectations, and refuse to adjust them.
Capricorn, you are a cynical person. You assume everyone is out to get you and that they are bound to treat you poorly. So when someone goes above and beyond your expectations by treating you with basic decency and respect, you might feel like they are the exception. Like they are better than everyone else you know. Since your expectations are so low, someone doing the bare minimum feels much more romantic than it should. Remember, even though this person treats you better than others have in the past, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily treating you well enough either. You’re allowed to keep raising the bar.