Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Need A Mental Health Day This Week (October 9 – 15)

While our bosses might hope that we can work and work and never need a day off, that’s just unrealistic. Sometimes life catches up to us and we realize we’re tired, we’re sad, and we just need some time to ourselves. For the following four zodiac signs, this is one of those weeks. While you could power through and make it to the end of the week without taking any time to yourself, that’s not the right choice. Put your mental health first and you’ll feel so much better. (If you if you have the privilege of a mental health day, that is.)


You’re pretty good at stamping down your feelings to get the job done, but it certainly doesn’t feel good. You have so many emotions that want to bubble over that much of your energy goes into keeping that from happening. (And you’re unfortunately not always successful.) Do yourself a favor and take a day this week, if you can, to just feel all the feelings. Really let it all out. Talk to someone if you need to. Just know that, while powering through is helpful sometimes, that shouldn’t be the only thing you do with your feelings.


You know when you need a day off. You can feel it creeping up on you. And you also know if you don’t take some time off, you might just explode. The people in your life likely have no idea you’re even suffering, but that’s likely because you’re so good at hiding it. Try taking a mental health day this week. Just veg out and do nothing. Do the self-care tasks that you’ve been wanting lately, from a long, luxurious bath to a marathon of your favorite comfort shows or movies. No tasks, no responsibilities–just rest.


You’re a hard worker. In fact, you’re one of the most likely zodiac signs to overwork yourself. And though you’re also good at knowing when you need a mental health day, you’re also more likely not to use it in the way you should. You feel guilty doing “nothing,” so you fill up the time with tasks. Don’t take the day off just to do more work at home. If you’re doing chores, you’re not actually healing. Stop giving yourself tasks. Those things can wait. The only important task for the day is to rest and heal and recover.


The tiredness has been creeping up on you lately, hasn’t it? You didn’t notice at first, but now it feels like this heavy weight on your shoulders. You do so much for so many other people that you’ve spread yourself thin. The people in your life who matter, who love you and want the best for you, won’t mind if you take a day just for yourself. Even just sleeping in until noon could be the thing that gives you enough energy to work hard over the next few months. Take a mental health day and everything will be right with the world.