4 Zodiacs Who Need A Strong Emotional Connection To Commit
Brandon Woelfel

4 Zodiacs Who Need A Strong Emotional Connection To Commit

Some zodiacs will rush into making a commitment. They will decide to enter a relationship with someone they barely know and will be comfortable learning more about them as that relationship progresses. But other signs need a strong emotional connection before they will even consider dating another person. Here are the zodiacs who need a strong emotional connection in order to commit:


It doesn’t matter how attractive you are. It doesn’t matter how many things you have in common. It doesn’t matter how much chemistry you share. This sign isn’t going to enter a real relationship with you unless they feel like you have a strong emotional connection. That means you need to open up to them about how you’re feeling. You need to be honest about what has been running through your mind. You can’t shut them out or keep secrets from them. They want to know you on a deep, personal level. If you aren’t comfortable getting vulnerable with them and having emotional talks, then they won’t be interested in taking that next step with you.


Commitment is a huge deal to this sign. They aren’t going to enter a relationship with just anyone. They are only going to commit to you if they feel like they know you well. If they feel comfortable talking to you about their deepest thoughts and emotions, and feel like you have been opening up to them too. This sign doesn’t want to be stuck with a partner who pretends everything is fine when it’s not, who keeps secrets, who hides bits and pieces of themselves in order to protect themselves. If they’re going to commit to you, they need to know the real you. They need to feel like you’re giving them your full heart, not only half of it.


This sign isn’t going to settle for a relationship without open communication. They need you to talk to them. They need you to share how you’re feeling, even when it’s uncomfortable. They aren’t going to be happy if you’re hiding secrets from them, even if you’re doing so to avoid bothering them. Your emotions are not a bother to them. They want to know what’s really on your mind. They want to know what would make you happy and what causes you the most pain. This sign wants to know the real, genuine you. They want to form a deep, emotional connection.  


Physical attraction doesn’t matter to this sign nearly as much as emotional attraction does. That’s why they aren’t going to commit to you unless they feel safe with you, emotionally. Unless they trust that you have their best interest at heart. This sign needs to feel like you genuinely care about their thoughts and feelings. They need to feel comfortable talking to you about anything and everything under the sun. No exceptions. They need a partner they can share their secret thoughts with, who they can act vulnerable in front of and who will act vulnerable in front of them.