4 Zodiacs Who Need To Follow Their Gut In Their Next Life Chapter


You are constantly comparing yourself to others, Virgo, but not in a feel-down-about-yourself-while-looking-at-Instagram-models way. It’s more of a nit-pick-everything-other-people-do-wrong-to-feel-better-about-yourself kind of way. In this next life chapter, you need to leave behind that inner child who is waiting for their turn to read out loud so you can show everyone how it’s supposed to be done, and start carving out a path that’s just about you. What you want to do, who you are, what you like, and where you want to be headed in life. The best things in store for you are the ones you chose because your heart tells you to, not because it’s another opportunity to be better than the rest.


Sometimes you need to just make a decision, Libra. Life is full of abundant options, none of which are terrible, and at times you just have to choose one. Some decisions are as innocent as what to order off the menu, and some have lasting consequences that shape the story of a life, but you have to trust your gut. If happiness is the prize you’re after, it’s not only behind one door. No matter which one you open, the important part is that you take that step forward. Some opportunities need to be snatched on the fly, in the moment. Life isn’t something that can be planned in full. You have to know how to jump when the timing is right. How to grab hold of a possibility and turn it into your reality.


You are always waiting for permission, waiting for someone to ask your opinion, Capricorn, and it works to your detriment. The things you just know intuitively, are things you need to speak up about. You not only see room for improvement everywhere, you know exactly what those improvements should be. You’re just too timid to speak up and say something. You silence your gut instinct for the sake of the status quo, for the sake of not rocking the boat. If you are so afraid of the decision-makers in your life, it may be time to seek out new organizations to be a part of. Put yourself in a position where you can make a difference, where your skills will be valued.


You don’t like to initiate things, Scorpio. You like to be chased. You like to be sought out and requested. But it means you often sit waiting for opportunities to come to you that you easily could have made happen on your own. Some things in life require us to ask for them. Sometimes you just have to raise your hand. Sometimes you’ll have to tell people how you really feel, no matter how hard or how scary it is. The alternative is a lifetime of waiting, of imagining paths and lives that never come to fruition. Your gut knows what you have to do. It’s telling you to pick up the phone, to seek out the life you want.